Earthquake Diplomacy

Written by Arthur Zulu

Continued from page 1

But wait. All this talk about a peacefull world free of weapons of mass destruction and terrorists, is pure crap. Because there will always be nukes and 9/11's. The reason is that we have not askedrepparttar right questions. ( What causes terrorism?) Neither do we knowrepparttar 126005 solution. ( How can we prevent it?) This isrepparttar 126006 message that I am trying to get out to whoever cares to listen with my book CHASING SHADOWS! : A Dream, published by

It is my desire thatrepparttar 126007 controversy generated byrepparttar 126008 publication ofrepparttar 126009 book would lead to solvingrepparttar 126010 world's political, economic, social, religious, and enviromental problems that breed this monster. Then we would have preventedrepparttar 126011 sinking of this planet.

Earthquake diplomacy by relief materials cannot bring world peace. Some call it chasing shadows.

Arthur Zulu,is an Editor,. Book Reviewer and Author ofrepparttar 126012 controversial book CHASING SHADOWS! : A Dream. (A book that revealsrepparttar 126013 terrorists' master plan to fianally setrepparttar 126014 world on fire.) For a copy ofrepparttar 126015 book and FREE excerpt, goto: For contacts, mailto:

Arthur Zulu,is an Editor,. Book Reviewer and Author of the controversial book CHASING SHADOWS! : A Dream. (A book that reveals the terrorists' master plan to fianally set the world on fire.)

Two Party Madness

Written by Ed Howes

Continued from page 1

We hire someone to watch over me - and you. Then we say; who is watchingrepparttar watchers? Why,repparttar 126004 watchers are watching one another. What a fine job they do! How rich and powerful they become! How can we better serve them? Whoa! I'm free! Allrepparttar 126005 powerful tell me so. They serve me, at least until they demand I serve them in national service, war mongering, public support or any of their many created functions. That is, we elect conditional servants who can turnrepparttar 126006 tables of service whenever they so choose. What is a military draft except a demand of servants that sovereigns render them a paid service? I am conditionally free - when my services are not demanded. No matterrepparttar 126007 latest music, we are all dancingrepparttar 126008 two party tango and service to someone is a given.

If elections are accurately compared to horse races, it is clearrepparttar 126009 overwhelming majority wage makers always bet on one of two favorites. They see no additional profit should a long shot winrepparttar 126010 race. In fact,repparttar 126011 winning long shot will be handicapped by minority status in a three party system, which is not to sayrepparttar 126012 long shot will not influence political discussion. In fact,repparttar 126013 more successful third parties become,repparttar 126014 morerepparttar 126015 dominant two will incorporate their ideas to gain votes. Let us not concern ourselves withrepparttar 126016 improbability of third party power inrepparttar 126017 two party dance. Let us simply add their influence and see if they can at least changerepparttar 126018 tune to which we dance.

If all third parties are also evil, would it not be a pleasant change to have at least three favorites in a race? Would it not be an improvement to be able to selectrepparttar 126019 least of three evils instead ofrepparttar 126020 lesser of two? Our political racing forms essentially printrepparttar 126021 names ofrepparttar 126022 two favorites atrepparttar 126023 top ofrepparttar 126024 form, in bold print. The long shots are then listed below in small print and many good horses are not allowed inrepparttar 126025 event, to prevent voter confusion.

Whenrepparttar 126026 rare informed voters have studied third party politics, they can see whatrepparttar 126027 favorites do not want discussed and probably why. They can publicly ask questions of candidates that demonstrate how blind ambition can be, to all who hearrepparttar 126028 answers to such questions. Third parties should at least inform national and local political debate until they can transformrepparttar 126029 debate. Without third party politics,repparttar 126030 most meaningful questions are not asked. Evil takes priority, then supremacy, with only a fifty-fifty chance thatrepparttar 126031 winner isrepparttar 126032 lesser of two evils. Many argue this happened inrepparttar 126033 2000 Presidential race. The greater evil prevailed.

Inrepparttar 126034 Twentieth Century, America's tolerance for evil was stretched by generational wars. That tolerance transformed into an appetite for evil. Untilrepparttar 126035 nation gains control of this appetite, more and more of us will be sitting outrepparttar 126036 two party dance and evil will reign supreme.

Freelance writer published on many websites and in newspapers.

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