EQ at the Office

Written by Susan Dunn, Coach

Continued from page 1

How people playrepparttar political game depends upon need, style, personal values, ethics, and temperament, but there's one thing to keep in mind, say management professors Bob Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki. People like people who aren't too different from everyone else, i.e., people they can understand. It'srepparttar 106443 folks at either end ofrepparttar 106444 spectrum -- too extreme one way orrepparttar 106445 another -- who have trouble in offices. People who are either strictly non-political or people who are highly political generally find there's a price to pay for "aberrant" behavior.

Emotional intelligence means knowing how to playrepparttar 106446 office politics games; how to manage yourself, your emotions and those of other people. Developing a high EQ will get you ahead!

Susan Dunn is personal and professional development coach specializing in emotional intelligence (EQ). You can visit her on the web at: http://www.susandunn.cc.

10 Things Solopreneurs Need to Do With Their Email

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A.

Continued from page 1
6. If you come upon emails that you let drop throughrepparttar cracks, follow up on them. It's really never too late to thank a referral, answer a question about an article, etc. If you have a small business or practice don't be in such a hurry to delete. If you have memory enough, leave names and messages for several months til you're sure you're "through" with them. Email contacts are very hard to come by. 7. Get your email organized. Set up folders for certain subjects and people. Keep a list of names and e-addresses for at least 6 months. 8. Check our your website statistics, too. What pages getrepparttar 106442 most visits? How about click throughs? Where arerepparttar 106443 visitors coming from? If you need to, write down what you learn. Make graphs, charts, compare. 9. Refresh and update your website. As small as removing a service or product no longer available. As large as redoingrepparttar 106444 whole site. The Internet moves fast. A total redo once a year isn't too much. However, if you believe that search engines find your site by length of time onrepparttar 106445 Internet, you need to keep that in mind, too. 10. Don't forget to reward yourself for this necessary bit of housekeeping, and be sure and put into use allrepparttar 106446 market data you will have discovered inrepparttar 106447 process.

Susan Dunn is a coach, specializing in marketing of professional practices. You can visit her on the web at: http://www.susandunn.cc.

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