E-mail Magic

Written by Joe Cirillo

Continued from page 1
So let’s say you get a variety of e-mails on a regular basis that all requirerepparttar same response, there’s a great feature in Outlook that will allow you to respond to these in record time. It involves using Outlook signatures. Customize signatures for every “form e-mail” you send, then when a message comes in such as getting directions or product information, you can select a signature template and sendrepparttar 101268 message off. There’s also an auto-responder feature in Outlook few people are aware of. This allows you to set up an automated response without even having to touchrepparttar 101269 e-mail message. This will require thatrepparttar 101270 e-mail have some sort of “trigger” whether it’s coming to a specific e-mail address or if it has a specific working inrepparttar 101271 subject line. If it has an identifier then Outlook can be programmed to respond with an automated message. Remember that if you’re going to get organized, have more time for yourself, your family and your work, then you’re going to have to get serious about organizing your e-mail. Your inbox should be for temporary storage only, this is not a place to keep your to-do-list, follow-up-file, or calendar. If possible, keep your inbox to one screen only. The lighterrepparttar 101272 inbox,repparttar 101273 less your load will seem andrepparttar 101274 less overwhelmed you’ll be. Also, keep in mind thatrepparttar 101275 average time spent on a single e-mail message is four minutes, by implementingrepparttar 101276 steps listed in this article you can limitrepparttar 101277 minutes you spend sifting through and responding to e-mails and gain that extra two hours you have been looking for.

It’s Your Time is available in bookstores across the nation or on Cirillo’s Web site: http://www.joecirillo.com. Cirillo has a long list a happy customers that say his methods will help you organize everything and gain up to two hours a day. Joe Cirillo lives in Sun Valley, Idaho where he is currently releasing his second book The Italian Club, Original family recipes brought over from Naples, Italy.


Written by Joe Cirillo

Continued from page 1

Give your children an advantage now that you perhaps did not have. Give themrepparttar gift of time, even introducing them at three, four or five, whatrepparttar 101267 significance's is to putting their toys and clothing away, where it belongs, can benefit them later when they are looking for that favorite toy or shirt later and further illustrates to them that having a mess in their room or playroom causesrepparttar 101268 clutter that causes confusion that causes pressure and stress and lost time. It's never to early to explain to children what stress is because they feel it, as you feel it, they just don't understand it.

Give your children this opportunity. Teach them at a young agerepparttar 101269 value of time through organizing their own space. Teach them that keeping it neat, keeping everything where it belongs and putting it back, is their responsibility. A responsibility learned at a young age will make them responsible adults.

Time is your most important resource. It is what you do with it and what you teach your children to do with it that can lead to a happier more successful life. Don't let it slip away.

It’s Your Time is available in bookstores across the nation or on Cirillo’s Web site: http://www.joecirillo.com. Cirillo has a long list a happy customers that say his methods will help you organize everything and gain up to two hours a day. Joe Cirillo lives in Sun Valley, Idaho where he is currently releasing his second book The Italian Club, Original family recipes brought over from Naples, Italy.

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