"E-Book Publishing Checklist"

Written by Milana Leshinsky

Continued from page 1

- Use your text editor or word processing program to write your book - Spell check and re-read your book to ensure good flow - Send it to your friends to read and ask for their testimonials

Design and Assemble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Choose an e-book compiler (list of most popular compilers: ) - Find good images forrepparttar interior of your e-book (try ) - Put allrepparttar 108479 files and pages together and compile into an e-book

Build a Web Site To Sell Your E-Book ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Put a web site together (get a free start-up guide at ) - Set up an online payment system to accept credit cards on your web site - Password-protect your e-book files - Write a sales copy - text for your web site - Add bonuses, guarantee, list benefits of your e-book

Design an E-Book Cover ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- Do not underestimaterepparttar 108480 power of a good book cover. A great looking e-cover is known to increase sales 300% for many authors - Decide if you want to create your own e-cover or hire a professional designer - If you think you are going to write more than 1 e-book, and want to save money, getrepparttar 108481 brand new eCover Generator program which will create your book covers in minutes: ()

Time to Promote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Depending on what your "Ultimate Goal" is, your marketing methods may vary.

- Create a free demo (or a free chapter) of your e-book and allow your visitors download it & give away to others - Set up an autoresponder to follow-up with them later to upsell your back-end product or service - Write articles, place classified ads, submit to search engines, start a newsletter, etc.

For more e-book resources such as compilers, online payment systems, idea generation tools and e-book promotion, visitrepparttar 108482 E-book Resources at http://www.mycoachingwebsite.com/ebook_resources.html

Milana Leshinsky is a full time web developer and the author of two e-books: "Create Your First Busines Web Site in 10 days" and "65 Instant Web Design Answers". http://www.firstbusinesswebsite.com http://www.instantwebanswers.com

Promote your Coaching or Speaking Business Through eBooks

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

EBooks help your coaching business because you can giverepparttar very short ones away when people subscribe to your eNewsletter. Your ezine helps promote both your eBooks and your services. Even if you don't have your own Web site, you can sell eBooks on other sites. Many pay up to 70% royalties-a much better deal than Amazon.

Use The "Big Three" Marketing Machine

1. Write or use short articles already in your files. Subscribe and submit them to Opt-in Ezines. 2. Expand several articles to become an eSpecial Report, or eBook as some call them. You can give these away also, and you can also charge $4.95-$7.95 for them. 3. Write your short eBook including a short introduction (sales letter), table of contents, a simple cover, and applyrepparttar 108478 essential "hot selling points" likerepparttar 108479 30-60 second "Tell and Sell."

In each of these include all of your promotion information, your list of other products, your announcement about your coaching services, your one-page for speaking, and an order page with instructions that make it easy to "buy".

Attract And Keep Long-Term Clients

Using this trio, you will attract many more people to your Web site, to your talks, seminars and teleclasses. You will attract new clients as well as new subscribers to your ezine. Inrepparttar 108480 long run, you will create a business easy and fun to operate. You'll create even more client loyalty and trust while building your reputation. And you create an ongoing, lifelong income-enough to keep you sound and secure in any economic situation.

Want proof this system works? Write inrepparttar 108481 subject line: Free "Quadruple your Sales in Four Months" eSpecial Report and email to Judy@bookcoaching.com.

Judy Cullins, Book and Web site Coach eBook: Quadruple Web Sales: The Key is in the Copy New Discount Teleclass: "Discounts of the Month" at http://www.bookcoaching.com/discounts.shtml Send an email to Subscribe@bookcoaching.com The Book Coach Says includes 2 free eReports Ph./Fax: 619/466-0622

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