
Written by James O'Keefe

Continued from page 1

·Be patient and positive, encourage practice and praise effort - becoming a good writer takes time and practice.

Young Students

·Allow use of print or cursive - whichever is more comfortable.

·Use large graph paper for math calculation to keep columns and rows organized. ·Allow extra time for writing assignments.

·Begin writing assignments creatively with drawing, or speaking ideas into a tape recorder

·Alternate focus of writing assignments - putrepparttar emphasis on some for neatness and spelling, others for grammar or organization of ideas.

·Explicitly teach different types of writing - expository and personal essays, short stories, poems, etc.

·Do not judge timed assignments on neatness and spelling.

·Have students proofread work after a delay - it's easier to see mistakes after a break.

·Help students create a checklist for editing work - spelling, neatness, grammar, syntax, clear progression of ideas, etc.

·Encourage use of a spell checker - speaking spell checkers are available for handwritten work

·Reduce amount of copying; instead, focus on writing original answers and ideas

·Have student complete tasks in small steps instead of all at once.

·Find alternative means of assessing knowledge, such as oral reports or visual projects

·Encourage practice through low-stress opportunities for writing such as letters, a diary, making household lists or keeping track of sports teams.

Teenagers & Adults

·Provide tape recorders to supplement note taking and to prepare for writing assignments.

·Create a step-by-step plan that breaks writing assignments into small tasks (see below).

·When organizing writing projects, create a list of keywords that will be useful.

·Provide clear, constructive feedback onrepparttar 109374 quality of work, explaining bothrepparttar 109375 strengths and weaknesses ofrepparttar 109376 project, commenting onrepparttar 109377 structure as well asrepparttar 109378 information that is included.

·Use assistive technology such as voice-activated software ifrepparttar 109379 mechanical aspects of writing remain a major hurdle.

Many of these tips can be used by all age groups. It is never too early or too late to reinforcerepparttar 109380 skills needed to be a good writer.

Though teachers and employers are required by law to make "reasonable accommodations" for individuals with learning disabilities, they may not be aware of how to help. Speak to them about dysgraphia, and explainrepparttar 109381 challenges you face as a result of your learning disability.

How to Approach Writing Assignments

1.Plan your paper ·Pull together your ideas and consider how you want them in your writing.

2.Organize your thoughts and ideas

3.Create an outline or graphic organizer to be sure you've included all your ideas.

4.Make a list of key thoughts and words you will want to use in your paper.

5.Write a draft

·This first draft should focus on getting your ideas on paper - don't worry about making spelling or grammar errors. Using a computer is helpful because it will be easier to edit later on.

6.Edit your work

·Check your work for proper spelling, grammar and syntax; use a spell checker if necessary.

·Edit your paper to elaborate and enhance content - a thesaurus is helpful for finding different ways to make your point.

7.Revise your work, producing a final draft

·Rewrite your work into a final draft.

·Be sure to read it one last time before submitting it.

James O’Keefe is the owner of About Rsd. offering FREE articles, tips, hints, and real-world advice on how to deal with various health issues. He is also the owner of The Parental Advocate., which is dedicated to helping Special Education students' parents become better advocates for their children.

All You Need Is To Dream

Written by Ed Chew

Continued from page 1

Check this out. One share of Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway stock was worth around $19 inrepparttar mid 60s and byrepparttar 109373 end of 1998,repparttar 109374 value of that single share has shot up to $70,000. Say, if you have invested $ 10,000 back in 1965, your investment atrepparttar 109375 end of 1998 would have been worth a whopping $ 51 million. WOW ! That's unbelievable. The money was left to compound [1] by itself as time went by. That's how money-leverager makes their millions.

Nevertheless, most of these 'money-leveragers' would only get to see their wealth touchesrepparttar 109376 million-dollar mark after they have reached their 50s or 60s. Though it's a long wait before they could seerepparttar 109377 result, it is worthrepparttar 109378 wait anyhow. Wouldn't it be great to be a money-leverager?

Ok, let's be honest to ourselves. Not everyone of us hasrepparttar 109379 patience to wait, not to mention, some of us even find it hard to come up withrepparttar 109380 initial capital to invest. So, if we don't haverepparttar 109381 money, what do we have to leverage then? The answer is TIME !

Leveraging Time

A day has 24 hours and all of us regardless whether we are rich or poor, have that same amount of time in a day. Time helps us to levelrepparttar 109382 playing field. We can no longer give ourselves excuses not to get rich. We have been given an equal opportunity in this age where every one of us can have easy access to information and knowledge on wealth building.

All we need to do is to leverage an iota of our leisure time and spend it wisely to build our pipeline [2] that will continuously pay us day and night. Always remember - pipelines are no longer an affair ofrepparttar 109383 rich. Pipeline belongs to people who believe that they CAN do it.

Why Leveraging Time Not Money?

"Life is a waste of time; time is a waste of life; so why waste your time when you could be havingrepparttar 109384 time of your life?." - Unknown

Why leveraging time not money? Well, if you were a money leverager, you wouldn't be here reading this article inrepparttar 109385 first place. You would probably surfingrepparttar 109386 net now scouting for stocks to invest or busy looking for real estate properties to add to your investment portfolio. Right? So I believe you are here because you do not have enough financial means to leverage money to build pipelines of ongoing residual income.

Up to this point, I hope that you understandrepparttar 109387 difference between leveraging time and money. Let us put asiderepparttar 109388 latter and pay more attention onrepparttar 109389 concept of leveraging time as I have mentioned earlier that building pipelines through leveraging time is within everyone reach.

Inrepparttar 109390 next few hundred years from now, believe it or not, many millionaires will be created through either one of these two systems; E-Marketing or Network Marketing. Keep your mind open to ideas and let not prejudge it just because that you think it is not your cup of tea.

Perhaps, some of you will comprehend what is written here and proceed to set your own financial goal. Others may just call it a quit before even trying it. Whichever path you decide, always bear in mind this saying by Napolean Hill, "winners never quit, and quitters never win." End

Best Wishes,



1. Do you know that ALBERT Einstein once said, "Com­pounding isrepparttar 109391 eighth wonder ofrepparttar 109392 world." Although he was referring to atomic energy, we know thatrepparttar 109393 law of compounding applies just as astonishingly torepparttar 109394 financial world as it does to science.

2. "Pipelines are designed to takerepparttar 109395 worry out of people's lives by putting profits into their pockets. But most of all, pipelines are designed to give people personal and financial freedom and lifelong security." - Burke Hedges, The Parable ofrepparttar 109396 Pipeline _________________ Copyright (c) 2004 by EdChew. All rights reserved. The author authorizes you to postrepparttar 109397 above article on your Web Site or E-zine solely for personal and non-commercial use. A link to author's website www.archiquotes.info is very much appreciated.

A Net Entrepreneur and Artist.

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