Dump the to-do list

Written by Janet Ansell

Continued from page 1

2.Schedule some time each day to do what you want. These arerepparttar things that tend not to get done, so make time for them.

3.Declare one day a week a day of rest. Don’t schedule anything for it. Don’t do any chores. Don’t buy anything. Spend it getting together with friends, with family, reading, lying about.

4.Block out a limited amount of time each week for running errands. Avoid doing them on your way to someplace else. Try doing them at a time when fewer people are out and about (i.e. Saturday mornings before 11.) If you can, leave your car at home. Patronize businesses within walking or biking distance of your home. Bring home only what you can comfortably carry. Try home delivery.

5.Don’t confuse urgency with importance. Figure out what’s most important to you and make your decisions accordingly. Just becauserepparttar 136564 phone rings orrepparttar 136565 doorbell rings, doesn’t mean you have to answer it. If you’re not spendingrepparttar 136566 majority of your time doing what’s important to you, take a long hard look at why not.

6. Dumprepparttar 136567 to-do list. Instead, createrepparttar 136568 ‘done’ list. Focus on what you are getting done, not what you’re not getting around to.

Life is short. Use your time not only wisely, but well.

Founder of Slow Salon(tm), Janet Ansell loves working with individuals so that they can live the life they want. To receive a complimentary copy of the Time Cruncher's Quiz , or the Slow Salon newsletter, e-mail janet@janetansell.com http://www.janetansell.com

Choose To Become An Encourager

Written by Guy Harris

Continued from page 1
I loved both of my grandmothers, but one became a greater influence on my life. Why? She constantly spoke words of encouragement to me and everyone else she met for that matter. In fact, she still does to this day. She always tells me how wonderful I am, how much she loves me, and how proud she is of me. As an adult, I still look forward to speaking with her. When my grandfather passed away, I spoke at his funeral. I didrepparttar best I could to pay tribute to one ofrepparttar 136563 greatest men I have ever personally known. About six months later, my grandmother called again to tell me how wonderful my comments were and how smart and wise I am. I don't really believe that I amrepparttar 136564 smartest person onrepparttar 136565 planet, but it sure feels good to have someone tell you that. After we spoke, I felt like a million bucks and believed that I could accomplish anything. Would you like to have that influence on people? Would you like to inspirerepparttar 136566 people around you to work harder and accomplish more? You do hold that power. You have it when you use positive words – words of encouragement and praise. As Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "Treat a man as he appears to be and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he already were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be." Next to example, words are probablyrepparttar 136567 most powerful tools leaders use. Words communicate your hopes, your dreams, your vision, your message, and your heart. Words show other people how you see them. As a leader, your words make a difference. Your words will either build-up or tear down, encourage or discourage, inspire or deflate. The choice is up to you. I encourage you to remember this simple tip and spread some perfume of happiness around as you . . . Choose to become an encourager. Copyright 2005, Guy Harris

You may use this article for electronic distribution if you will include all contact information with live links back torepparttar 136568 author. Notification of use is not required, but I would appreciate it. Please contactrepparttar 136569 author prior to use in printed media.

Guy Harris is the Chief Relationship Officer with Principle Driven Consulting. He helps entrepreneurs, business managers, and other organizational leaders build trust, reduce conflict, and improve team performance. Learn more at http://www.principledriven.com

Guy co-authored "The Behavior Bucks System TM" to help parents reduce stress and conflict. Learn more about this book at http://www.behaviorbucks.com

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