
Written by Anacleto Marchi

Continued from page 1

4. Give away some work. If giving away your expertise means increasing your exposure, strongly consider it. You are *building* a reputation. There is nothing wrong or manipulative in trading work for exposure, rather than cash. Sometimes a good word from an influential customer pays bigger dividends thanrepparttar best advertising.

5. Be everywhere at once. Oh, if only wishing made it so. The Internet can get you close. If you market online, participate in several question and answer forums or newsgroups where decision makers and people of influence hang out. Choose your answers very carefully, but answer every question you can, always bringing home repparttar 117282 message that you arerepparttar 117283 best choice. If you market offline, consider adjusting your budget to have a presence in each medium (TV, radio, print, billboard) to reachrepparttar 117284 widest possible audience.

6. Listen and follow up. If you give your product or service (or even advice) to someone, follow up to see how it worked out. Be brief and humble, but follow up to make sure you are onrepparttar 117285 mark. When you do this you not only evaluaterepparttar 117286 quality of what you have given, you have an excellent opportunity to see how it effects real people inrepparttar 117287 real world.

7. This should have beenrepparttar 117288 first point, but make sure you *know* your stuff. 'Nothing' can replacerepparttar 117289 good will you create when you do your very best work for every client or friend.

If you really know your stuff, and are willing to invest some time, you can becomerepparttar 117290 natural choice for solving problems that arise in your field. When those calls come, you can begin to build an endless chain of referrals that will carry your business to new heights.


*-----------------Hot Tip------------------*

Six essential qualities that arerepparttar 117291 key to success: Sincerity, personal integrity, humility, courtesy, wisdom, charity.

- Dr. William Menninger

*-----------------Hot Tip------------------*

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------------------------------------------------------------ Publisher Information ------------------------------------------------------------ Dream Biz is published by Anacleto Marchi. No part of this publication may be reproduced.

Anacleto Marchi, Publisher North Bay Village, FL 33141 Phone: 305-861-8868 Fax: 305-993-5023 Email: marco01@myexcel.com Website: http://www.dreambizforyou.com



Dialogue: The Key to Innovation

Written by Kim Green-Spangler

Continued from page 1

* Maintain communication with your colleagues and clients. The most innovative and successful individuals onrepparttar Internet have realizedrepparttar 117281 simple truth that you should turn your "contacts" into "relationships." That is, maintain communication with your customers, even if you are not expecting repeat sales. This holds true for your suppliers as well. The insight you can get from your discussion with these people will more than make up forrepparttar 117282 time you might lose writingrepparttar 117283 emails! * Seek expert opinions. The greatest asset of a lot of so-called Internet "gurus" is simply their experience. Don't be afraid to tap into this experience by communicating with people who may have knowledge or information that you don't. For instance, if you have a question about marketing, don't be afraid to email someone who does it for a living. You may get more than an answer -- these kinds of questions often lead to profitable professional relationships. Even if you are sitting by yourself behind a computer in your house, realize that you are not alone unless you choose to be. Don't fall intorepparttar 117284 trap of isolation -- create and maintain relationships that will help spark your imagination and get those creative juices flowing!

Kim Green-Spangler is a home-based freelance writer. She also runs a successful copywriting, ghostwriting, and resume writing business - www.justwrite4u.com

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