Dream Yourself Into Your Life

Written by Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist

Continued from page 1

3. The whole time keep in mind that you are on a "quest." You are looking, waiting, expecting something. Something will happen. There will be a sign that will give you an insight intorepparttar question. It could be something that happens to you, something you see or hear. The world out there will give yourepparttar 123707 sign!

4. Take along a notebook or some paper, and a pen. Every half hour sit down and write. Noterepparttar 123708 time,repparttar 123709 place, and what has happened. Write about your reactions to what is happening to you. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and insights. Write these notes for yourself! You do not have to hand them in. But if you want to give them to me (along with your paper), I will be glad to read them and give you feedback. Duringrepparttar 123710 exercise, if you're anxious, frustrated, or bored, ask yourself "why" and write about it. If nothing important has happened, think and write about why that is so. How could you makerepparttar 123711 exercise more effective?"

As Suler says, even if nothing happens, it helps to write about that. There can be answers within that place of nothing.

Another way to uncover your deeper longings is to think about what you really want to do, even if it seems impossible. Try not to let thoughts like, "I don't haverepparttar 123712 money to travel" or "I can't write" or "I'm too busy" stop you from at least thinking about what you'd really like to do. Too many dreams are stopped before they even get started because of self-defeating thoughts. Let yourself dream and spend time with this.

When you're ready, tell one person your dreams. As SARK says, "Dreams love attention and will expandrepparttar 123713 more you share them." (Living Juicy by SARK, Celestial Arts; Berkeley, CA, 1994). Try not to get caught up in thinking or talking aboutrepparttar 123714 practical aspects of your dream; just think aboutrepparttar 123715 possibilities. Keep checking in with yourself to see what fits for you and what doesn't. Something nice that can come from sharing your dreams with someone is that your friend's dreams can be awakened, too, and that's fun to be a part of too.

Next, imagine yourself living your dream. Imagine yourself doing whatever it is that you want to do. Spend time visualizing this and be sure to include all of your senses - sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste.

When you're ready to move inrepparttar 123716 direction of living your dream, think about one tiny step that you can take toward your dream. Make it tiny. As SARK said at a recent talk in Toronto, it helps to think aboutrepparttar 123717 steps as micro-movements.

For example, because I procrastinate about painting, my micro-movement was to put out my easel and clip paper to it that night. That's it. I did it andrepparttar 123718 next day I put out my charcoal pencil. The next day I was sketching again.

Think about what micro-movements you could do and then set a date and time to do them.

Every one us of us has dreams that our soul needs to fulfill. Without our dreams, our lives are incomplete. Don't worry if you're not sure of yours, or don't know how to fulfill them. It helps to try one or all ofrepparttar 123719 exercises here, or another one of your choice, and see what happens. Write about what you learn and keep on trying. Dreams are lived one step at a time.

Kali Munro, © 2002 http://www.KaliMunro.com

Kali Munro, M.Ed., is a psychotherapist in private practice with twenty years experience. She offers free healing resources at her site, http://www.KaliMunro.com

Tips on How To Love Yourself

Written by Cheryl Rainfield

Continued from page 1

You can also think of a friend having acted as you did. Imagine how you'd feel towards them -- how you'd still love them and readily forgive them if there was anything to forgive. You probably wouldn't even find it bothersome! Try to feel that same love and compassion for yourself.

* Recognize thatrepparttar love has to come from you.

If you're a survivor of child abuse or come from a dysfunctional family, you may still be waiting for a parent to give yourepparttar 123706 love and acceptance you never got as a child. Butrepparttar 123707 kind of love you need (or needed as a child) probably isn't going to come from a parent who abused you or who lookedrepparttar 123708 other way while you were being abused. But it can come from yourself.

It can be hard to give it to yourself at first -- after all, if you didn't receive love as a child, or if some of that love was torn away from you by violence, self-hate may have built up inside you. But you haverepparttar 123709 courage and strength to love yourself, if you've survived this long. And you do deserve it!

So try to connect to that little child inside, that child who deserves all of your love and acceptance.

* Use Affirmations

I know this might sound corny - but if you hear good things about yourself over and over, you can't help but have some of it sink in.

Write out strong, loving things to say to yourself, even if you don't fully believe them. Some examples are: o "I utterly and completely deserve love and kindness," o "I am a very loveable person," o "I am kind, compassionate, intelligent, and wise." (or substituterepparttar 123710 words for loving words that you feel best suit you.

Now put up those affirmations in places you'll see them every day -- onrepparttar 123711 fridge, onrepparttar 123712 bathroom mirror, on your bedside table, next to your favourite chair, onrepparttar 123713 kitchen wall next to where you cook your food or eat a meal. Don't forget to read them.

If you're not comfortable having them up in such public places, then write out a bunch of them (or copies of a few) and put them in places you'll find them -- in your jacket or jeans pocket, in a book you're reading or a favourite book, in your desk drawer, in with your clothes. They're little love notes to yourself. In fact, you may want to do both things -- have them up and also hidden in places where you'll find them.

When you read an affirmation, read it slowly, and really let yourself feel it. Don't just say it by rote. Try to let yourself be there as fully as you can.

You might want to look at some of my online affirmation cards for examples.

* Recognize Self-Critical Messages -- and Talk to Them

It's easy to let old, critical voices and messages that we heard as a child play over and over in our minds, without stopping them. Often we may barely recognize that they are there, or we don't really listen to them, we've heard them so often -- but they continue to impact how we feel and think about ourselves.

Try noticing next time you hear a small (or very loud) voice inside your head criticize you. Be aware of what it is saying to you, and try to talk to it. Ask it why it feels it needs to say those things. Is that part of you trying to protect you, in some child-like logic? Or perhaps that part of you felt it had to take onrepparttar 123714 messages you heard as a kid. Remind that part of you that you no longer need to do that to survive. You are free to make up your own mind about yourself.

* Counteract Negative or Critical Thoughts About Yourself

Write down allrepparttar 123715 negative or critical thoughts and messages you hear inside your head. See if you can figure out who first said them to you (or said something of that nature). Then write out a response that counteracts each of those messages, one by one. Makerepparttar 123716 counter messages as strong and loving as you can.

If you're having trouble writing out counter messages, see if you can connect to a deep, wise part inside of you. Or write out what you would say to a friend if a friend said those things about her/himself.

* Do Comforting and Nurturing Things For Yourself

Allow yourself to do comforting and nurturing things for yourself. Let yourself feel how good you feel when you do those things -- and tell yourself that you deserve to feel that way, to feel good. Gradually you'll find thatrepparttar 123717 more nurturing and comforting times you have,repparttar 123718 more you'll seek them out -- and they will help build a good feeling inside you.

* Ask Yourself What You Need to Do

Some of these things will work really well for you, while others may not quite fit you. So try taking a moment to get quiet, and ask yourself, "What can I do to help myself feel more compassion and love toward myself?" Don't force an answer -- just letrepparttar 123719 answer bubble up from inside you. If you find it hard to hearrepparttar 123720 answer that way, try writing out your question, and then your answer. See what you come up with. You know best what works for you -- and you have great wisdom inside you.

Above all -- have compassion for yourself and for where you're at. Remember that you are a truly loveable person -- and that you deserve only kind treatment, especially from yourself. :)

© Cheryl Rainfield, 2001 http://www.CherylRainfield.com

Cheryl Rainfield is an artist and writer. She has an inspirational website that offers free loving e-cards, a screensaver, articles, and virtual affirmation cards online. http://www.CherylRainfield.com

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