Dream Job Crisis

Written by Amy Crawford

Continued from page 1

And, that’s exactly whererepparttar new Dream Jobs To Go series comes in. Each book, instantly downloadable from their website, provides information on unusual, exciting, and just plain-old fun careers. The ebooks are written by “been-there-done-that” authors, who tell all on how to break into their fields. The ebooks offer interviews with other experts and include tons of related links that can be accessed immediately byrepparttar 108518 reader.

The website that supportsrepparttar 108519 Dream Job books also offers a free mentor program that allows anyone to post a question to any of their authors/mentors. The site offers readers no-cost immediate access to resources that will help them gainrepparttar 108520 confidence to get started on creating a life worth living. And isn't that what it's all about?

* Source-The survey at: http://www.DreamJobsToGo.com

Amy Crawford is a writer who specializes in career and employment topics. She runs the free Dream Job Mentors discussion group at http://www.DreamJobsToGo.com.

The Idea of Reference

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

Classic works of reference - from Diderot torepparttar Encarta - offered a series of advantages to their users:

1. Authority - Works of reference are authored by experts in their fields and peer-reviewed. This ensures both objectivity and accuracy.

2. Accessibility - Huge amounts of material were assembled under one "roof". This abolishedrepparttar 108517 need to scour numerous sources of variable quality to obtainrepparttar 108518 data one needed.

3. Organization - This pile of knowledge was organized in a convenient and recognizable manner (alphabetically or by subject)

Moreover, authoring an encyclopaedia was such a daunting and expensive task that only states, academic institutions, or well-funded businesses were able to produce them. At any given period there was a dearth of reliable encyclopaedias, which exercised a monopoly onrepparttar 108519 dissemination of knowledge. Competitors were few and far between. The price of these tomes was, therefore, always exorbitant but people paid it to secure education for their children and a fount of knowledge at home. Hencerepparttar 108520 long gone phenomenon of "door to door encyclopaedia salesmen" and instalment plans.

Yet, all these advantages were eroded to fine dust byrepparttar 108521 Internet. The web offers a plethora of highly authoritative information authored and released byrepparttar 108522 leading names in every field of human knowledge and endeavour. The Internet, is, in effect, an encyclopaedia - far more detailed, far more authoritative, and far more comprehensive that any encyclopaedia can ever hope to be. The web is also fully accessible and fully searchable. What it lacks in organization it compensates in breadth and depth and recently emergent subject portals (directories such as Yahoo! or The Open Directory) have becomerepparttar 108523 indices ofrepparttar 108524 Internet. The aforementioned anti-competition barriers to entry are gone: web publishing is cheap and immediate. Technologies such as web communities, chat, and e-mail enable massive collaborative efforts. And, most important,repparttar 108525 bulk ofrepparttar 108526 Internet is free. Users pay onlyrepparttar 108527 communication costs.

The long-heralded transition from free content to fee-based information may reviverepparttar 108528 fortunes of online reference vendors. But as long asrepparttar 108529 Internet - with its 2,000,000,000 (!) visible pages (and 5 times as many pages in its databases) - is free, encyclopaedias have little by way of a competitive advantage.

Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, United Press International (UPI) and eBookWeb and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory, Suite101 and searcheurope.com.

Visit Sam's Web site at http://samvak.tripod.com

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