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The minute he said he would jump into volcano, his life and lifestyle immediately changed, much for better.
Joe was controlled by his fear, by his situation, by his boss, by pursuit of a couple of dollars a week.
Do You and I Have a Brain Cloud?
You and I are either going to be controlled or we are going to be one doing controlling in our lives.
We can be controlled by many things such as: money financial situations family marriage work fears anger health or physical weight drugs alcohol drive for success religious viewpoints superstitions
With each situation, we can be controlled by situation or we can choose to not be. This is a conscious choice that we alone make, and we make it hundreds of times every day.
Is a situation or other person dictating to you how you are going to think, feel or act?
Every choice, every situation is met only in present moment.
It is in that moment that you and you alone have power to make choice to be at peace with this or to let this situation/person allow you to be angered or upset or controlled by it.
Being in control of your own life begins with making conscious decision to be master of your own destiny.
Joe re-gained control of his life. It took a wake up call that he was going to die for Joe to wake up and live.
Dr. Ellison said to him, "You only have a short time to live, I suggest you live it well."
Joe, like many of us, had terminal brain cloud. His brain was clouded by fear. That fear affected everything Joe did in his life. That brain cloud controlled Joe's life and was slowly destroying Joe.
We all only have a short time left to live. We can live rest of our lives being controlled by something else, or we can live life being one doing controlling.
It takes courage. Just like Joe..... you and I already have that courage within us. We were born with it.
It is in our power to discover that who we really are has nothing to fear, but that we make yourself fearful each time we look outside of ourselves for some power to make us feel fearless.
Dave Cole Prosperity: The Choice Is Yours Copyright © 2005
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