"Dr. Strangesearch...Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Search Engines (Part 2)."

Written by Roger J. Burke

Continued from page 1

I screw up my face...this is hard work, y'know..."OK, that's it...waddya think, huh?"

"Aren't you forgetting something, dear?" Now it's my turn to chew my lip, "OK...no more guessin' games...shoot!"

"Well, dear heart, what about all those other hundreds of millions of web pages that are just up there as freebies?" And, she waves her hand vaguely inna air, as though pointing to "up". OK, fine, thinks I, people have been publishing all sorts of web pages for years, technical, personal, informational, educational, etc etc...so that'srepparttar web, right?...information online...accessible, available, open, free...so what's she driving at...?

"Sooooo....yer sayin' then, that..." I tried to sound like I knewrepparttar 119018 answer as I peered at her, over my tented fingertips...

"Look...," Sherry leaned forward and practically speared my knee with her pointed finger,"when wasrepparttar 119019 last time you went to K-mart, Coles, Wal-Mart or whatever, and found your neighbor sitting there trying to show you his personal photos, or interest you in his fly-fishing hobby, or sprout on about some other topic...albeit interesting?" I rubbed my knee, looking for blood.

"Huh...that's stoopid, y'know it...the real world doesn't work like that!" I moved my legs outtarepparttar 119020 way as I said that. ;-((

"Exactly! Yet, if he was there, he'd be taking up real-estate...at a price. At a very hefty price, I might add! Riiight?" I nod slowly...but I hadda agree, it made sense. I opened my mouth again, but she was off t'the races now...

"And...if he wasn't paying anything forrepparttar 119021 pleasure of sitting there, just how long would it take for management to ask him politely to leave? Go to some other store that will allow a free lunch, or go to a warehouse where they hold flea-markets, hmmm?"

I frowned at that, "Now, jest a minute, that's bricks-and-mortars world, real concrete y'know...not some electronic sparkles on a hard drive somewhere!" Sherry shakes her head, "So, when did hard drives suddenly become free, eh? Or computers? Or land lines, microwave transmitters, operating systems, programmers...you want me to go on?" I look at her, very hard now.

"So, yer sayin' then thatrepparttar 119022 free lunch is over? Everybody pays?"

"You got it!" She goes on, "Look, three years ago, pay-per-click was unheard of...now look at GoTo and a lot of others!" Now, just so that I got it, real clear-like, "So, you reckon that anybody - business and personal - with a web page will soon hafta pay forrepparttar 119023 pleasure of inclusion in a directory or SE?"

Sherry nods and shrugs, "Maybe not directly for starters, and there'll be different fee structures...and, there may be some institutions that still continue to offer free services - some ofrepparttar 119024 smaller players, I guess - but in business, you get what you pay for...every time. And search engines are inrepparttar 119025 business of 'selling' search results, make no mistake!"

She spins her chair back to her desk, "One way or another,repparttar 119026 search engines have got to makerepparttar 119027 whole schmozzle work better...and make a profit." And asrepparttar 119028 click ofrepparttar 119029 mouse continues, "So've we!"

The party's over...now we gotta get serious, I guess...sheesh, and I was havin' soooo much fun, too!

I couldn't resist a closing shot, "Sooooo, I reckon Doomsday Bomb for some ofrepparttar 119030 SE Dotcoms ain't gonna happen after all, huh...huh?"

Without missing a click, "More like a Boomsday a-comin' forrepparttar 119031 SEs, dear heart...more like a Boomsday!"

Roger Burke has been involved with computers since 1967, and has managed to break quite a few, over the years. He, and his wife Sherry, are now actively engaged in online self-publishing and promoting specific affiliate programs at http://online-wealth.com . If you have any comments or questions about this article, please send emails to mailto:webmaster@online-wealth.com . Copyright 2001, Online-Wealth. All rights reserved.

"The Last Of The Red Hot...Good Samaritans?"

Written by Roger J. Burke

Continued from page 1

Sherry looks at me, back atrepparttar screen, shrugs, "Well, a pox on that website and all...we ain't gonna buy any books from that place, that's fer sure!" She looks at me again, "And you should be more careful who you deal with..." and stalks off, muttering about "crazies onrepparttar 119017 net."

Hey, waddid I do? ;-[

Anyways, and while we're onna topic of pop-up boxes, if that ain't enough to put me off bein' a good Samaritan,repparttar 119018 very next day, I'm in a site about internet marketing, affiliate programs, MLM...you knowrepparttar 119019 stuff, right? (And, just forrepparttar 119020 record, it wasn't this site, Online-Wealth, OK!) Niiice looking site, well laid out but nothing new for me, so I punchrepparttar 119021 back button to getrepparttar 119022 next site fromrepparttar 119023 SE...and then all hell breaks loose.

I tend to dislike pop-up boxes, don't you? Even atrepparttar 119024 best of times, right? OK, lissen carefully, this is how it went:repparttar 119025 pop-up box is there, I hitrepparttar 119026 'x' to close (there is no CLOSE button - that shoulda been a clue, huh?),repparttar 119027 box disappears, butrepparttar 119028 main page reloads as I watch...I hitrepparttar 119029 back button, out popsrepparttar 119030 same box, I hitrepparttar 119031 'x', pop-up pops off,repparttar 119032 main page reloads...I hitrepparttar 119033 back button again, up jumpsrepparttar 119034 box, I punchrepparttar 119035 'x' again, box gone, main page reloads again...

Whatrepparttar 119036 freakin' hey is goin here? So...desperately, viciously, finally, I hitrepparttar 119037 'x' onrepparttar 119038 box and thenrepparttar 119039 top-right 'x' to closerepparttar 119040 browser. Those guys at that website are either incredibly stupid...or they're being stupidly incredible. And maybe very devious, to boot!

So...reluctantly putting aside my first plan of sending zillions of pop-up boxes from my secret spammers mailbox, I get back intorepparttar 119041 site - hey, I ain't scared to go where angels won't - and find an email address, to which I send a (very fast and big) rocket (actually, just about an ICBM!) describing to those turkeys precisely why I think they're script code needs re-working...or maybe even deep-sixing!

What was inrepparttar 119042 pop-up box, you ask? Do you really care? Well, OK, it was another invitation to get a free site review and subscribe to an ezine. Big deal! (Hey, people, I don't need a pop-up box to tantalize me with your stupendous(?) offering...if I wanna subscribe, I'll subscribe...don't try to force me, OK?) Sheesh! ;-(

And, of course, after sendingrepparttar 119043 email fromrepparttar 119044 site, I got stuck again inrepparttar 119045 pop-up loop before I finally gotrepparttar 119046 browser closed...sheesh, some guys never learn, right?

When I related alla this to She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, she says, "Well, dear heart, let that be another lesson to you...you will insist on trying to tell dumb websites where they're goin' wrong. Why bother already?" She glares at me, but I detect a hint of a twinkle...

Until next time...mebbe.

Roger Burke has been involved with computers since 1967, and has managed to break quite a few, over the years. He, and his wife Sherry, are now actively engaged in online self-publishing and promoting specific affiliate programs at http://online-wealth.com . If you have any comments or questions about this article, please send emails to mailto:webmaster@online-wealth.com . Copyright 2001, Online-Wealth. All rights reserved.

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