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Small Business Tax and Management has been providing services to business owners. Lots of resources on this site.
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CPA or Bookkeeper? Besides trading on Wall Street, I was an Operations & Accounting Manager. At one point, I had bookkeepers and a few CPA's working for me. I was able to sign off on
work performed by
bookkeepers but I wasn't unable to sign off on any internal audits. Why? Because I didn't have a CPA License!
So you can see, there is a difference between a CPA and Bookkeeper. Now-a-days, with Quicken and Peachtree, many of us can set up our own bookkeeping and send out invoices - if that is how we choose to use our time.
If you are a sole proprietor, you can 1) hire a CPA firm that will also do your monthly bookkeeping 2) hire a CPA firm that will help you set up your monthly bookkeeping system and then you can do your bookkeeping or hire a bookkeeper 3) hire a bookkeeper to do your monthly bookkeeping 4) do it yourself.
Personally, I did my own bookkeeping for many years (I was an accounting manager) and then brought my records to a CPA yearly. I keep up with as many tax laws etc. as I can, I guess because I like that sort of thing. Many folks don't though! Know which you are!
As my business grew, I hired a bookkeeper and worked with them to set up a monthly bookkeeping system. The system was set up as suggested at
IRS Tax Class I attended - with categories names and in close order to
tax forms I'll use as a sole proprietor (Schedule C & Form 8829). I'll choose
names of
sub-categories based on how I spend money. They also suggested that you set up your file cabinet with similarly named files.
Enjoy my article on CPAs. It's called "10 Ideas To Help You Choose a CPA"

© Copyright 2002 Maria Marsala is an internationally known coach, author, and speaker. A former Wall Street trader and manager, she is the author of the ebook "Thinking of Starting a Business... Let's Talk About What's Next." Subscribe to her free ezine "Helping You and Your Business Grow" at