Don’t Forget the Internal Software Documentation

Written by V. Berba Velasco Jr., Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

It’s not just in-code comments that are important. In general, one should also document general software architectures, detailed designs, flows of logic, installation instructions, and so forth. The exact requirements will naturally vary depending on one’s specific situation, but as a rule, these are helpful benchmarks to strive for. The act of writing these documents can be tremendously helpful in guiding one’s design process, and it can provide helpful tools for design reviews and peer feedback. In addition,repparttar developer’s goal should be to ensure that future programmers can figure out how it works without a great deal of hand-wringing or gnashing of teeth. Unfortunately, many employees takerepparttar 103457 opposite viewpoint, and purposely scrimp onrepparttar 103458 documentation. Often, they do this to ensure job security for themselves—and sometimes, this tactic works. By scrimping on documentation, however, he may wind up jeopardizingrepparttar 103459 company’s long-term success. Besides, an astute employer knows that a programmer who documents well is worth far more than someone who holds his cards close to his vest. The latter may seem valuable inrepparttar 103460 short term, but ultimately, he’s a long-term liability.

V. Berba Velasco Jr. has been developing software for nearly twenty years. Dr. Velasco currently serves as a senior electrical and software engineer for Cellular Technology Limited (,, a biotechnology firm in Cleveland, Ohio.

Do You Love Money?

Written by Odilia Paula

Continued from page 1

2.Present your product - Whether you have your own product or you are part of an affiliate program, you still need to present your product nicely, so your consumer will be interested in your offer. You may want to hire a professional web designer so that your website looks professional and interesting. If you can't afford it you can get your own Plugin Profit Site set up for free.

3.Promoting your site - you will need to promote your site so that people can learn about your product, buy it, and make you happy! This isrepparttar difficult part, but as you gather knowledge and become familiar withrepparttar 103456 different methods of promotion, it becomes easier too. There are a lot of ways to promote your site. I will explain much more about it in my next article, " Ways to reach your dream", so make sure to read that on this site starting next week ( January 18, 2005 )

Once you start, aim for your dream, and if trouble comes, just remember that if you hang in there just a little bit longer, than maybe your dream will become your reality. Giving up is NOT an option.

I welcome you torepparttar 103457 home business world, it will be a promising year.

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Author Biography: Odilia Paula, is the founder of, at 21 years old she build her offline business and have a lot of BIG company as her client, now she decide to build her online business, it's also going to BIG!

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