Don't Play Debit Card Roulette

Written by Rick David

Continued from page 1
if a customer prefers, there is signature-based debit also called “offline debit” and this is another well-liked payment option. The customer uses their Mastercard or Visa Check Card just like a credit card. The card is swiped andrepparttar point of sale device gives a draft forrepparttar 135711 customer to sign. The funds are transferred torepparttar 135712 merchant’s bank account. Discount rates apply with this option, as well as a small transaction fee. Chargebacks are also possible. Many young people are using these cards because it gives themrepparttar 135713 convenience and clout of a credit card. They can also be used to purchase overrepparttar 135714 Internet. If a merchant can accept credit cards, they can usually accept signature-based debit cards.

Ridingrepparttar 135715 Wave

Evenrepparttar 135716 Federal government is singingrepparttar 135717 praises of debit card use for consumers. Please seerepparttar 135718 consumer guide: “Are You Ridingrepparttar 135719 Debit Card Wave?”

Debit cards are seen as safer than cash and more convenient than checks. So make room next to your cash register for a debit terminal, PIN pad and printer, and reducerepparttar 135720 risk that a customer may not haverepparttar 135721 right payment option whenrepparttar 135722 impulse to buy is upon them.

There’s virtually no risk in accepting PIN based-debit card payments, so make sure it’s an option at your cash register. It’s a sure thing!

Rick David writes for a Merchant Newsletter @ Merchant America.  He also writes a humor column called, "Don't Laugh It Could Happen To You"  for

Offshore This!

Written by Rick David

Continued from page 1

Foreign Outsourcing vs. Offshoring

"Foreign Outsourcing" isrepparttar hiring of a foreign company to do some of your work, while "Offshoring" isrepparttar 135710 creation of a wholly owned foreign subsidiary which givesrepparttar 135711 company greater control. According torepparttar 135712 financial consulting firm Deloitte and Touche, there was a 38% increase inrepparttar 135713 number of financial institutions with offshore operations in 2003, with an estimated 500% increase in offshore jobs.

Call center work is onlyrepparttar 135714 tip ofrepparttar 135715 iceberg. There is an ever expanding list of higher level technical positions being exported from a variety of industries. Engineering positions, architectural design work, computer programmers, computer-generated animation, financial and legal research, insurance claim processing, software coding, AutoCAD, technical drawings and billions of dollars worth of back office services are now being moved fromrepparttar 135716 first world torepparttar 135717 third world by mostlyrepparttar 135718 larger companies. This is making it difficult for medium sized businesses to compete.

India is well positioned to receive much of this work because it has a large English speaking population from its colonial history with Great Britain, and a growing pool of Internet-wise graduates ready to work at low Indian wages.

Concerns over data privacy and data theft loom large. Three employees of Msource in India allegedly siphoned off $350,000 from Citibank customers recently, using information obtained overrepparttar 135719 phone, according to The plaintiffs who will go through a living hell trying to gain back their financial identities will not be outsourced, nor willrepparttar 135720 local judges and jury who will hearrepparttar 135721 case. A couple other factors that come to mind when considering foreign outsourcing or off-shoring, are Islamic terrorists hostile to western interests, civil unrest, security costs, infrastructure concerns andrepparttar 135722 global war on terrorism...just offrepparttar 135723 top of my head.

Growing up we were told to eat all of our food because people were starving in other countries. I remember being chastised for suggesting that we should ship out my left over peas and carrots. Today we should tell our kids to study hard and think outsiderepparttar 135724 box because people in other countries are hungry for their jobs!

Let's Laugh and Have Faith

On a lighter note, my wife called our credit card company and was transferred to “Mumbai”. (Bombay) In one minute she was squaring off withrepparttar 135725 mores of a patriarchal society. She was told that she would have to “consult with her husband and obtain his permission and consent, and gain his approval.”

The policy was no doubt born in America, but something inrepparttar 135726 tone and wording communicated female inferiority and wifely subservience. The idea of being "granted approval" was not going down easy. There may have been some gagging.

“BUT...IF, my husband doesn’t pay his bill, THEN you’ll want to talk to me! Will I need his "approval" and "consent" and "permission" for MY credit to be hammered?"

I was handedrepparttar 135727 phone at a certain mid-point inrepparttar 135728 intercontinental shoving match. Something about “your husband will have to make that decision”.

I got onrepparttar 135729 phone and had a lovely conversation. We marveled at how all of this can be taking place over thousands of miles. Actually I rather enjoyedrepparttar 135730 experience. Perhaps I can outsource our marriage counselor.

Rick David writes for a Merchant Newsletter @ Merchant America.  He also writes a humor column called, "Don't Laugh It Could Happen To You"  for

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