Don't Let Your HTML Email Newsletter Break!

Written by Jessica Albon

Continued from page 1

When your email newsletter arrives in my inbox saying my computer can't findrepparttar images folder (it doesn't know to look on your domain) and displays a broken image. Microsoft Outlook does allow you to insert images directly into messages (which it then sends withrepparttar 124947 message), but this method is unreliable for readers who don't use Outlook.

You can also userepparttar 124948 base href tag if all of your links and images will come from one domain. To set a base URL, you'll want to add a torepparttar 124949 very top line of your HTML code (beforerepparttar 124950 ). Make sure to includerepparttar 124951 trailing slash. This will tell your reader's computer where to look for all images and links and means you can use relative URLs throughoutrepparttar 124952 newsletter.

4. Run your HTML through an HTML validator. Because you've typed your HTML code by hand, it's possible you've left off tags or made typos in your HTML. There are a number of HTML validators available, some that you can use on your desktop like HTML Tidy (http:/, and others, like NetMechanic ( that you use overrepparttar 124953 Internet. They all help you to uncover and fix errors that may cause problems in your newsletter.

Though these programs are designed to check HTML designed for web browsers, they can alert you to many common HTML errors. You'll still need to check things like image links (for absolute locations) and URLs yourself (they can't tell you if you've linked torepparttar 124954 wrong page, for example).

5. Testrepparttar 124955 newsletter. Though it wouldn't make sense to test your newsletter in every email program ever made, you can test your newsletter inrepparttar 124956 most popular clients. AOL, MSN, and Earthlink each offer limited-access or "Bring Your Own Access" programs for reasonable sign-up fees. Check your subscriber list to see which accounts are most popular so you'll know which services to emphasize.

You may also want to set up accounts at Yahoo!, Hotmail and Excite, if you allow these addresses on your list. Also check platforms and programs most likely to be used by your clients (i.e. test it with a Mac if your newsletter goes out to graphic designers, etc.).

Bottom line: An HTML newsletter does require more time than its plain text counterpart, but, when carefully executed,repparttar 124957 results more than make up for any initial inconveniences.

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Link Exchanges - What they can do for your business! (Part 2)

Written by Martin R Lemieux

Continued from page 1

5) Our link on your site: http://www???

6) E-mail:

7) Comments:



That's all you really need!!!

** TIP ** If you don't know how to install this form on your site, here's a paid link automation program that will suit any business out there!

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Another little "Timbit",

Give visitors your link information!

Please add your "Link Information" that you would want visitors to add on their site! I've gone to too many sites were I had to spend over 5 minutes trying to find their "Link Exchange" information!

Now i'm not talking about a link on your site to your link program, i'm talking aboutrepparttar information you would give to other sites in order to exchange links!


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Denying link exchanges!

Get ready, it happens to all of us! Don't get upset when a company you just linked to has just denied your link exchange! Many companies out there has STRICT guidelines they are looking for. You may have not read their specific rules they have! Don't worry about it, take a note and move on.

There's another 1,000 000 that will link to you so don't go have a drink from one denial! I know we all hate them but just remember, we've all got them!

Inrepparttar 124946 future, when you're put in a situation were you will berepparttar 124947 one denying another site for a link exchange, just remember how you felt atrepparttar 124948 time and be considerate torepparttar 124949 other by telling them WHY they were denied. I often replied torepparttar 124950 site that denied my site to ask why my site wasn't accepted and often I am surprised to hearrepparttar 124951 reason. what they had to say!

I hope this article has opened your mind about Link Exchanges!


:: About The Author ::

Martin R. Lemieux owner

Smartads Information Centre Canadian Entrepreneur Advertising Resource & Research!

Read over 200 articles on advertising!



You may use this article on your site as is but you MUST send me a note within our contact form. Thank You! Go here:

:: About The Author ::

Martin R. Lemieux owner

Smartads Information Centre Canadian Entrepreneur Advertising Resource & Research!

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