Don't Leave Your Loved Ones In the Lurch!! The importance of creating medical directives and other legal documents prior to a medical emergency.

Written by Melissa Rivers

Continued from page 1

Another option is to go online and pay a low fee (typically less than $10/form) to fill out interactive forms that will guide you through printing outrepparttar completed legal documents on your own equipment at home. Here are a few web sites that can help:

If you're not satisfied with what you find among those, do a Boolean string search at by typing in Power of Attorney + your state. It's just that simple.

One final step; be sure to give copies of these documents, after they've been witnessed and notarized, to your loved ones. You should also inform them ofrepparttar 115470 location of other important documents such as insurance papers, will or trust, deed, car title, stocks and bonds, bank and tax records, etc. Please, please, please, don't follow my bad example, leaving your loved ones or friends inrepparttar 115471 lurch as I did!

Melissa Rivers has been a freelance writer for 17 years. She has written for Random House and Prentice Hall, articles for numerous national and local magazines, and an array of interactive articles for a variety of online e-zines. For the past few years her focus has switched from travel writing to senior issues. She edited How To Find Great Senior Housing, written by Phyllis Staff, PhD, and is a contributor to which focuses on the issues of caring for older adults.

Holiday Dieting; A Sweet Way To Cheat!

Written by Laura Turner, C.P.T

Continued from page 1

•And,repparttar best news yet. Upon further study, it has been found thatrepparttar 115469 “flavonoids” in dark chocolate are scientifically proven to act as antioxidants, preventing “bad” cholesterol (LDL) inrepparttar 115470 blood from oxidizing and clogging arteries.

So, if you are looking for a healthy way to “cheat” this holiday season, dark chocolate may not be all together a bad option. Facts aside, however, and before you run out to fill your shopping cart full, keep these guidelines in mind:

•Heedrepparttar 115471 advice of Aristotle: “Everything in moderation.” Refrain from takingrepparttar 115472 “chocolate factory tour.” Keep your chocolate fix to a minimum. Enjoy it, but please don’t over do.

•When you are shopping for chocolate, try to find “dark” varieties with at least 70% cocoa.

•Also, make sure “sugar” or “butter fat” are notrepparttar 115473 first items listed.

If you’d like to skiprepparttar 115474 treat and notrepparttar 115475 fun, send a virtual chocolate postcard from this fun chocolate website (no calories included) :

To summarize my findings, it appears that dark chocolate is in fact our friend (and we will just leave its aphrodisiac qualities to your own private discussion groups, thanks).

As forrepparttar 115476 cravings….Well, do we really “need” chocolate?

Survey says: Dunno. But, withrepparttar 115477 holidays upon us, a Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate once in a while—now available inrepparttar 115478 “sugar free” variety, mind you--sounds sweet enough to me.

(Research Ref: Eat To Beat Cancer, Hatherill. 1998 St. Martins Press, New York)

Laura Turner, Certified Personal Trainer has developed a series of health, fitness, and nutrition tips available at ===> In 21 days you can create healthy new you,let her show you how! Get her free report: 7 Steps to a High Performance Body by sending a blank email to: ===>

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