Don't Hide That Price Tag!

Written by R.M. Blackledge

Continued from page 1

Is thisrepparttar best way to go about making an internet sale?

It may depend really on whether you're selling a big ticket item, or a small ticket item. If you're a merchant, for example, that sells refurbished computers online,repparttar 100412 customer obviously is not going to expect to purchase a quality used computer for only 50 bucks.

So then what is to be gained by hidingrepparttar 100413 price untilrepparttar 100414 very last moment? Ifrepparttar 100415 customer can't afford your product, hidingrepparttar 100416 price down atrepparttar 100417 bottom ofrepparttar 100418 sales page will not put spending money in their pocket, they don't already have. Conversely, if you're selling computer software that has a retail price of under thirty dollars. Only thirty dollars is a bargain for software. But, if your visitors are really looking for freeware, you may still lose out.

In effect, not discussing price just postponesrepparttar 100419 inevitable. Customers will usually make up their minds about whether to stay on your site withinrepparttar 100420 first five-to-six seconds. If you've pre-sold your product effectively inrepparttar 100421 first place, thenrepparttar 100422 customer knows what to expect. Placing your sales price right in front of their eyes - so that they don't have to search for it- may actually help you make a sale or two.

This also demonstrates that you have confidence in your product. Ifrepparttar 100423 customer getsrepparttar 100424 impression that you're not trying to B.S. them, they will be impressed, instead of put-off.

Also, if your main advertising method is by use of a pay-per-click campaign, placing your sales price right inrepparttar 100425 middle of your ad will save yourepparttar 100426 headache of wasting your pay-per-click advertising dollars on those web surfers who are just browsers and not buyers.

In conclusion, a sales price prominently placed can be an effective tool for weeding outrepparttar 100427 bandwidth-wasting window shoppers, from those who are serious customers.

That's what you want!

R.M. Blackledge is the owner of TheWorkAtHomeBlog.Com and is the publisher of numerous business and self-help articles.

Internet Business..Just set up the store and wait?

Written by Meredith Gossland

Continued from page 1
3. Most people find out about a website through friends and paper advertising. That means in addition to repparttar cost of search engine placement you need to budget for old fashioned print advertising, until you establish your clientel. 4. The cheaper your web site,repparttar 100411 cheaper it looks,repparttar 100412 less likely people are to do business with you. You don't need flashy but you do need good design that is easy to navigate. This still costs money. 5. If you plan to sell onrepparttar 100413 internet you need to accept credit cards etc. This service costs money. 6. If you plan to get people to come back to your website to buy it must be constantly updated. This costs money and takes time a lot of time. Unless you are a talented writer you will probably spend a lot of time editing your updates. 7. If you want to do it... go for it! Just keep your feet onrepparttar 100414 ground and figure out a budget. What isrepparttar 100415 actual cost of marketing a web site?

Owner Lasting Impressions 2 a small business marketing servcie, client gifts, greeting card marketing and seminars

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