Don't Get Infected By The Twenty Dollar Ebook Syndrome

Written by Willie Crawford

Continued from page 1

The thing I see too many beginners get trapped into is creating a great ebook on a topic they know a lot about. They check to see what similar ebooks sell for and choose $19.95 or $29.95 asrepparttar price. Then they settle back and watchrepparttar 105329 sales roll in. These sales may be a slow but steady trickle, which satisfies many people. It's thrilling to dorepparttar 105330 work once and generate a continuous income stream from it. It's somewhat intoxicating. However,repparttar 105331 writer also becomes infected withrepparttar 105332 twenty dollar ebook syndrome and never tries to create anything higher priced. He reasons that his market has shown him that they want, and will buy, twenty dollar products. He's afraid to risk offering them something more expensive.

How do I know lots of authors get infected with this ailment? I talk to and email them every day. When I suggest to them that they need to create a $97 product or a $297 product, they tell me that their customers can't afford these products. I have news for them! Their customers are buying these products. They are just buying them from your competition. They tell me their customers won't spend a thousand dollars for a seminar seat. I have news for them, their customers are spending two thousand dollars for a seminar seat, they are just buying fromrepparttar 105333 competition. Your competitors are earning $500 commissions ... I do regularly.

The purpose of this article today is to prevent you from falling victim to this "syndrome." Consider this. If you sell one $297 audio product and make $200 or more profit, you've just earned more than if you had sold ten $20 products and made 95% profit. And you've only had to deal with 1/10threpparttar 105334 potential customer service issues. And you've only had to process one transaction. And believe, it or not, that sale was probably just as easy ... maybe easier.... thanrepparttar 105335 $20 sale.

One other insight I'll share with you - people who buy higher ticket items seem less prone to complain or request refunds. They are people of action, so they buyrepparttar 105336 product, use it, and getrepparttar 105337 results they sought. Many who buy twenty dollar products are looking for some magic solution or all-encompassing answer for only twenty dollars, and that doesn't exist. Part of that expectation is admittedly due torepparttar 105338 hype used to sellrepparttar 105339 $20 products. We condition our prospects to expect something for nothing... and inrepparttar 105340 process sabotage our success.

So your job forrepparttar 105341 next few days is to plan out how you are going to convert your twenty dollar product or idea into something much bigger. No excuses, just do it :-)

Willie Crawford is a writer, seminar host and speaker, and internet marketing consultant. He has been featured in tops sites such as Corey Rudl's Secrets Of Their Success. Get his free 20 Lesson Internet Business Success Course today at:

A Step-By-Step Checklist For Starting And Building Your On-line Business

Written by Willie Crawford

Continued from page 1

Before you sign up though, read step 4.

Joinrepparttar Warriors (network) at

4. Register your domain name. When you register your domain name, you want to make sure that you list yourself asrepparttar 105327 administrative contact and everything else that has to do with your website. The reason is thatrepparttar 105328 admin contact isrepparttar 105329 person who controlsrepparttar 105330 website. When a website is sold or any changes made to it's record,repparttar 105331 registrars will contactrepparttar 105332 admin contact for approval before makingrepparttar 105333 change. Withoutrepparttar 105334 approval ofrepparttar 105335 registered administrative contact, you can't make ownership type changes to your domain!

Register your domain at a service I have set up for you. It costs less than a third what many others will charge you. Do this at:

The Warrior Pro Membership comes with a full-featured hosting package that I highly recommend. It will cost you $25 per month, and lets you do everything your website will need to do. You will have enough disk space for thousands of pages. When you sign up forrepparttar 105336 Warrior Membership though, indicate inrepparttar 105337 domain registration form that you will handlerepparttar 105338 registration yourself. You'd pay $30 to register throughrepparttar 105339 Warriors when you can do it through me for from $8.75 per year (less than $8 per year when you registerrepparttar 105340 site for multiple years).

I did not recommend that you sign up for my web hosting, for your first domain, becauserepparttar 105341 Warrior membership is such a value for your first few websites. As you register new domains and build new websites,repparttar 105342 hosting company I work thought at: is a tremendous value. Just make sure you chooserepparttar 105343 options offering CGI capability since this is essential for your website to have any type of interactivity. CGI is absolutely necessary for any type of business website.

You do have to re-register your domain name each year. For convenience, my service allows yourepparttar 105344 option of pre-registering for up to 10 consecutive years. You will get an email notification well in advance of your domain expiring from practically all registrars. If you fail to renew your registration your domain name will become available for others to purchase. You could have an established site up and running, and somebody can literally purchaserepparttar 105345 name of your site right out from under your nose if you are not paying attention. Sadly this does happen. The service at: sends you notices when your domain is approaching expiration and then sends you several reminders.

Note: The 3006 word checklist was too long to include here in it's entirety. Most email filters would block it. Read repparttar 105346 rest ofrepparttar 105347 checklist at: Sign up forrepparttar 105348 entire course there for free too!

Willie Crawford is a recognized internet marketing and product creation authority. His Internet Marketing How To Workshop revealed EXACTLY how 8 recognized internet authorities really generate six figure incomes. Grab these incredibly honest recordings at:

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