Don't Allow Your Food To Control You!

Written by Lee Smith

Continued from page 1

Oh, and if you're wondering what's inrepparttar delicious foods you enjoy eating so much, look atrepparttar 112916 ingredients. If you can pronouncerepparttar 112917 majority ofrepparttar 112918 ingredients, call me. I'd like to know what they are.

If you'll notice, most ofrepparttar 112919 foods eaten arerepparttar 112920 results of hundreds of chemical combinations (some of which aren't safe for you) which give it that taste that you're "addicted" to.

It's only food. Our forefathers who build this great country weren't addicted to food. But I'm sure you wouldn't be either if you had to chase your meal, shoot it, skin it, wash it, cleanrepparttar 112921 insides and outsides of it, pluck allrepparttar 112922 feathers or fur off and so on!

Believe me, if I went through that, I would truly enjoy my meal. I'm sure they weren't addicted because they were too tired from chasing it!

But if you're picking up your meal and it's not clucking, mooing, kicking trying to escape, biting for its life, or growing because of photosynthesis, then it's not putting up a struggle.

You makerepparttar 112923 decision to put it in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. And you can makerepparttar 112924 decision to put it down anytime you desire.

It's your choice. It's fuel for your body. That's it. It's not addictive, tasty, wonderful, mouth-watering and all that jazz.

Remember, you haverepparttar 112925 control. You only have to take action and prove it.

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Nut Nutrition Information For Fitness Energy.

Written by Kevin Doberstein CFT

Continued from page 1

Women and Nuts In a controlled study, postmenopausal women who ate a bag of low-salt soy nuts a day had a rather great reduction in blood pressure. Each bag had 25 grams of soy protein. You can find soy nuts at most grocery stores.

Nutrition Breakdown of a bag of almonds. ¼ cup

Calories 200, from fat 150 Total Fat 18g 2g saturated Carbohydrates 7g Protein 7g

The US Department of Agriculture did a study with nut eaters and non-nut eaters and found even thoughrepparttar nut eaters consumed more energy calories they actually had a lower BMI (body mass index) thanrepparttar 112915 non-nut eaters.

In summary,repparttar 112916 Almighty would have never created nuts if they didn’t have a useful propose in life. When wasrepparttar 112917 last time you seen a squirrel scampering acrossrepparttar 112918 ground and suddenly falling down and having a heart attack.

Kevin Doberstein is a Certified Fitness Trainer and has been a natural bodybuilder for the past 25 years. 15 years as a gym owner. For more articles about bodybuilding, bodyshaping and nutrition you can visit his site at You can join the Nature Boy bodybuilding Newsletter for the latest information about bodybuilding fitness at this site. You can contact him at

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