Dog Poo

Written by And you thought we had problems?

Continued from page 1

German police are now stepping up patrols in order to catch these offenders. However,repparttar poo could hitrepparttar 118101 fan if they ever tried to bring them to court. It is unclear what they would actually charge them with as there is no law against using doggie poo in this way. In fact, you could fly any flag from any piece of turd you find lying around. It’s not illegal but it cannot be a pleasant task.

Surely this wouldn’t catch on over here inrepparttar 118102 UK – would it?

From the Website at The Voice of the West Midlands

Dog Poo ( Turd Tales )

Written by Birmingham UK Com

Continued from page 1

German police are now stepping up patrols in order to catch these offenders. However,repparttar poo could hitrepparttar 118100 fan if they ever tried to bring them to court. It is unclear what they would actually charge them with as there is no law against using doggie poo in this way. In fact, you could fly any flag from any piece of turd you find lying around. It’s not illegal but it cannot be a pleasant task. Surely this wouldn’t catch on over here inrepparttar 118101 UK – would it? If you can write - Pay us a visit

Birmingham UK Com website.

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