Dog Crate Buyer's Guide- How to choose the right crate and accessories

Written by A. Grignard

Continued from page 1


Always be sure to include appropriate toys and treats inrepparttar crate. This will keep your dog occupied and prevent your teething puppy from chewing onrepparttar 139924 crate's metal bars. It is also important to purchase crate bedding. A crate cover is great for loweringrepparttar 139925 number of outside distractions your dog sees, which can reduce barking and stress inrepparttar 139926 crate. A crate pad will be more comfortable thanrepparttar 139927 crate's plastic pan. Finally, a bumper likerepparttar 139928 one included in Pet Dreams Cratewear will help protect your puppy from injuries caused by chewing or leaning againstrepparttar 139929 crate's metal bars.

For more information:

In addition to Cratewear, Pet Dreams provides a wealth of Crate Training Tips, articles, and FAQs to help you crate train your dog. We’ve also recently launched Forums where you can discuss all aspects of training with others and get advice fromrepparttar 139930 experts!

Visit for Dog crates, Cratewear bedding and Sleep-ezz dog beds.

Avoiding A Traumatic Experience

Written by Thaddeus Collins

Continued from page 1
their owners. The main reason for this isrepparttar lack of accurate identification, and this is because most pet collars or identification tags contain obsolete or outdated contact information. Fortunately there are companies like RecoveryPets.Com that provide services to increaserepparttar 139776 chances of recovering a family pet if they should ever become loss.

Protecting our pets should be one of our major concerns, and by providing a means for lost pets to be returned to their owners isrepparttar 139777 mission of RecoveryPets.Com. For more information onrepparttar 139778 services that they provide, visit their website at:

Thaddeus Collins is the owner of RecoveryPets.Com a company that specializes in the global recovery of lost pets using a unique tracking number that is registered on the companies website, and can be searched if the pet becomes lost. For more information visit

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