Does this Headline "Grab" Your Attention?

Written by David McKenzie

Continued from page 1

Capitalizing each ‘major’ word inrepparttar headline grabsrepparttar 129751 readers attention. However do not capitalize every word. Do not capitalize words such as ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘of’, ‘to’, ‘on’, ‘in’ and ‘an’ unless they arerepparttar 129752 first word ofrepparttar 129753 headline. It’s just not necessary.

Take a look atrepparttar 129754 ‘headline’ above for point 3. The words ‘the’, ‘of’ and ‘in’ are not capitalized. Let’s see what this headline would look like if they were:

Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Major Word In The Headline

It just does not impress as much. There is no distinction betweenrepparttar 129755 words. The ‘major’ words do not stand out as much.

However, inrepparttar 129756 headline under point 3repparttar 129757 following groups of words stand out more because they are separated byrepparttar 129758 not so important words:


First Letter

Each Major Word


4. Use powerful words

“Grab” is a powerful word. So is “Free”. Even “Powerful” is a powerful word for that matter. Try and have at least 1 and maybe 2 powerful words in your headline. These powerful words will draw inrepparttar 129759 readers attention and prompt them to keep reading.

Use these 4 techniques to help you write better headlines. Get repparttar 129760 headline wrong and there is no use writingrepparttar 129761 article,repparttar 129762 ezine ad orrepparttar 129763 sales letter.

Getrepparttar 129764 headline right and you are half way to makingrepparttar 129765 sale or obtaining a new ezine subscriber.

David McKenzie is the author of a new e-book titled "How To Write Free Articles and Market Them With a $0 Marketing Budget" Get a Free 5 Day Email Course

Character Development

Written by Jeff Colburn

Continued from page 1

Physical Characteristics: Name (It must fit. Don't call a 98 pound weakling Thor, unless it's some kind of nickname), appearance, age, voice (sexy, gravely, lisp), annoying or unusual habits (knuckle cracking, nail biting, pencil chewing. I wrote a fictional piece called "One Per Customer," and whenrepparttar main character gets upset, he likes to throw his heavy glass paperweight throughrepparttar 129749 office wall. He's a cop, and his office looks like it's made of Swiss Cheese.), wardrobe.

Mental Attributes: Personality, how they relate to their relatives, their intelligence and schooling, fears, wants, goals, dreams, priorities, drives, skeletons in their closets.

Environment: Where they live (house, trailer, apartment, condo), it's condition (new, old, dirty), how it's decorated (salvation army, creative on a budget, antique, fashionable), their job (politician, crook (if there's a difference), manual laborer, computer work), sports, hobbies, friends, enemies, pets (I have a pet wind-up goldfish in a jar of water. Low maintenance and high neglect threshold.), relationships (single, married, divorced, widowed, dating, kids).

As I said earlier, it depends on your personality and your writing style. I often don't do much of a character development because I like to see how my characters grow, and I like to be surprised by my characters and stories as I write them. Because of this I sometime have to go back and make changes in paragraphs, or chapters, butrepparttar 129750 surprises are worth it.

So experiment and find out what you feel comfortable with. You can change it whenever you like. Above all, find a way to write that you enjoy. That's what it's all about.

Have Fun, Jeff

Jeff Colburn is a freelance business writer. He can be reached at his site, The Creative Cauldron (, or at

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