Does the lion test?

Written by Ian Canaway

Continued from page 1

It is enough to know that withrepparttar rising ofrepparttar 116400 sun, you must run. And you must run faster than you did yesterday or you will die.

This isrepparttar 116401 race of life." –African Proverb

Which one would you choose to be? I would choose to berepparttar 116402 lion, becauserepparttar 116403 Lion can afford to fail repeatedly. There is always another opportunity to catchrepparttar 116404 gazelle another day,repparttar 116405 lion can learn and try new tricks and techniques for huntingrepparttar 116406 gazelle, all it needs is to find one successful technique and it won't go hungry.

The gazelle onrepparttar 116407 other hand, if it fails to elude capture will die! No second chances here I'm afraid.

You can applyrepparttar 116408 same principles to home business and internet marketing. View yourself asrepparttar 116409 Lion, if you fail with something, try, try again, all it takes is one successful method which you can repeat to get onrepparttar 116410 road to success.

There are many excellent tracking tools onrepparttar 116411 internet which allow you to track your prospects and sales. This will allow you to test new ideas or advertisements and know exactly whetherrepparttar 116412 changes you are testing have been beneficial or unsuccessful.

Test, test and test again, until you find that winning formula and then try to beat it!

"If all else fails, perseverance prevails". --unknown

Don't treat your home business as a hobby or you will never achieve real success. Treat each day as a potentially life or death situation, it is in these moments that we haverepparttar 116413 greatest insight, motivation and determination to be successful and to succeed.

(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The byline and biography must remain inrepparttar 116414 article.)

Ian Canaway is an affiliate marketer, home business entrepreneur and the owner of and also He will show a simple and proven system that enables ‘anyone’ to make money online. Check us out now!

Choose a Host that matches your Home Business needs

Written by Arun Pal Singh

Continued from page 1

•Watch for these too:

If you plan to accept payment on your side an access to SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption is must. If you want your site to be interactive you would need to install cgi(Common Gateway Interface). So better to look for a host who supplies you your own cgi bin.

If you wish to create your site in Microsoft FrontPage then check whether your host provides FrontPage extension. If you plan to run a site with database then MySQL should be a desired feature.

Your host should also provide you free access to your server. You should have free access to log files and statistics ofrepparttar traffic your site receives. If your host offers referral programme it is better.

•Customer Support: This matters a great deal to your business. You will need this help whenever you run in trouble. If your host is not supportive or is not prompt enough then it could mean loss in your business. See that you are provided a good and meaningful support. Send them a question or two. Studyrepparttar 116399 response. Find out if they are available on phone in case you are in emergent situation.

Make sure that this service is free and they will not charge anything in name of customer support.

Finally, you will have to find what matches your business needs. Search before you settle for a deal. Narrow down your choice to a few prospective hosts. Look for their reputation. Ask them examples of sites hosted.

Check with their existing clients and find how satisfied they are. Most good business hosts are available between $ 15- 50 with few differences that could matter torepparttar 116400 individual.

You can start small and upgrade later provided your host gives you this option. Selectrepparttar 116401 one who allows you to expand ifrepparttar 116402 need arises.

Just two words before you go. “Select carefully”

Arun Pal Singh runs a successful business from home at He is also publisher and editor of Home for profits’ income course, a free newsletter with hundreds of tips for home business which can be subscribed by mailing to

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