Does Your Leadership Development Secure Results?

Written by Leanne Hoagland-Smith

Continued from page 1

3. Isrepparttar training or development offered on a weekly or bi-weekly basis providing ongoing opportunities for application and feedback?  No Yes

Ifrepparttar 102835 answer was Yes, again CONGRATULTIONS! People need numerous opportunities to practice newly learned skills so that they are highly “competent” in both their attitudes and behaviors. For example we all know what 10 x 10 is. However, very few of us can answer as quickly and with as much confidence what 23 x 24 is.

4. Isrepparttar 102836 training or development offered on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis where learning engagements exceed 5 to 6 hours per day without opportunities for application and feedback between learning engagements?  No Yes

Ifrepparttar 102837 answer was Yes, thenrepparttar 102838 learning may not be deliveringrepparttar 102839 desired results and potentially creating a negative return on investment. Research suggests that a one time exposure to a learning event such as a 1 or 2 day full training or development session results in 50% cognitive retention after 24 hours; 25% cognitive retention after 48 hours and less than 2% cognitive retention after 16 days. Remember,repparttar 102840 brain only absorbs, butrepparttar 102841 butt will endure.

5. Isrepparttar 102842 training or development aligned withrepparttar 102843 current organizational goals and supported fromrepparttar 102844 top down byrepparttar 102845 CEO and executive committee?  No Yes

If you answered, Yes, again you and your company are headed for success. Ifrepparttar 102846 response was No, then you may wish to consider looking at your organizational goals to ensure alignment. An important side question to ask is can everyone in your organization name exactlyrepparttar 102847 same top 3 organizational goals forrepparttar 102848 current year? If not, what are those “miss actions” costing you in terms of financials, leadership, relationships both external and internal and growth and innovation?

6. Isrepparttar 102849 training or development curriculum based upon “core” competencies?  No Yes

If you answered yes, then whose competencies are you using? Do all those competencies work for and with your organization and your people?

7. If training or development curriculum is based upon “core” competencies, how many times have you had to repeatrepparttar 102850 training?  None 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times+

If you answered one or more, then is a core competency based curriculum, truly effective and creatingrepparttar 102851 desired end result of transformation?

8. Isrepparttar 102852 training or development based upon “desired” results?  No Yes If you answered No, then why are you undertaking this training or development?

9. Ifrepparttar 102853 training or development is based upon “desired” results, how many times have you had to repeatrepparttar 102854 training or development?  None 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 times+

If you answered one or more, then potentially,repparttar 102855 desired end results were not clearly communicated withinrepparttar 102856 ENTIRE organization. (Refer to above Question 5,repparttar 102857 side question.)

10. Isrepparttar 102858 training or development based upon weaknesses or uponrepparttar 102859 strengths of each individual withinrepparttar 102860 organization?  Weaknesses Strengths

If you answered, weaknesses, thenrepparttar 102861 question is why do winning teams win? Is it because of their weaknesses or strengths? Training or development should be strength-based not weakness-based. A strength-based curriculum ensures that everyone is leveraging their assets while working to improve their potential strengths and weaknesses.

This quick assessment as well asrepparttar 102862 hints and questions are designed to help you easily recognize where your current efforts might be redirected to ensure that your leadership development is truly delivering your desired end results. For further understanding of how a results-based approach to leadership development makes far better sense and deliveries a positive return on your training or development dollars, consider a quick and easy read, Fail-Safe Leadership Straight Talk About Correcting The Leadership Challenges in Your Organization by Linda Martin and Dr. David Mutchler.

2005 All Rights Reserved. Leanne Hoagland-Smith @ 219.759.5601

Leanne Hoagland-Smith , M.S., President of ADVANCED SYSTEMS the Process Specialist, helps people and organizations to connect their 3-P’s of Passion, Purpose and Performance by improving their processes within strategies, systems and people. Her co-authored book M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Potential: Living an Amazing Life Beyond Purpose to Achievement isdue out in June of 20054. Visit or email

Printing Development for best outputs

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Continued from page 1

The modern printing process is now largely controlled by computers. Printed images can be created from data gathered from images either scanned into a computer or obtained from a database. Oncerepparttar images are inrepparttar 102834 correct format, image carriers are created which are then either printed from directly or fed intorepparttar 102835 printing machine’s memory. These provide information about color strength and positioning of images. They can also setrepparttar 102836 parameters forrepparttar 102837 type of material to be printed. Self-monitoring computers known as close-loop systems can now measure and correctrepparttar 102838 performance ofrepparttar 102839 printing press to pre-set parameters, to ensure that an image ofrepparttar 102840 correct quality is obtained. Such film-free systems able to project images on torepparttar 102841 image carrier offer time and cost savings.

The modern printer is now a computer technician, not only requiring printing skills but alsorepparttar 102842 ability to controlrepparttar 102843 complex machine-computer systems that can produce thousands of copies per hour. Training is no longer a craft apprenticeship but may involve computer simulation systems, which create and duplicate allrepparttar 102844 operations of a real printing machine using special dedicated software. This is nowrepparttar 102845 modern way of printing, a fast and more efficient way of reproduction is being offered to us by different printing company. How lucky we are that we have this technologies that help us dorepparttar 102846 job smoothly.

For additional information and comments aboutrepparttar 102847 article you may log on to

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