Does Rain Making Really Work?

Written by Graham McClung

Continued from page 1

In primitive societies, rain makers usually have an inbuilt "get out" clause. The rain making ceremony consists of certain things done byrepparttar rain maker, supported by other rituals, requirements, or prohibitions required ofrepparttar 150140 communityrepparttar 150141 rain maker is serving.

These may be bans on certain foods or practices, but if repparttar 150142 rain doesn't come, who is to say that someone inrepparttar 150143 community failed to play their part, destroyingrepparttar 150144 rain maker's good efforts?

And eventually, with persistence,repparttar 150145 rain will come.

So, in a very general way, that's howrepparttar 150146 rain maker works.

But let's see what he or she is up against.

Weather isrepparttar 150147 local end result ofrepparttar 150148 effects ofrepparttar 150149 vast atmospheric circulation system, which works towards creating some sort of balance between unequal heating ofrepparttar 150150 earths surface,repparttar 150151 planet's rotation, transferring water fromrepparttar 150152 oceans torepparttar 150153 atmosphere and back again, variable distribution of warm and cold water currents inrepparttar 150154 oceans, and much, much more.

All this takes a huge amount of energy. Let's put it in perspective. In 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped onrepparttar 150155 Japanese city of Hiroshima, effectively destroying it. That bomb wasrepparttar 150156 equivalent of 12,500 tons of TNT, or 12.5 kilotons. An average thunderstorm generatesrepparttar 150157 equivalent of 20 kilotons.

A hurricane generatesrepparttar 150158 equivalent of a 10 megaton bomb - 10 million tons of TNT - every 20 minutes. Some people have asked why large bombs aren't used to divert or destroy hurricanes. Others have suggested that would be about as effective as throwing a ping-pong ball at a charging elephant.

To create rain out of nothing, a rain maker would need to control huge amounts of energy to overcomerepparttar 150159 inertia ofrepparttar 150160 stable weather systems associated with droughts. With that sort of power, why hasn'trepparttar 150161 rain maker taken overrepparttar 150162 world, hopefully forrepparttar 150163 good of all, or atrepparttar 150164 very least made his fortune by affectingrepparttar 150165 results of horse races?

Copyright 2005, Graham McClung. A retired geologist, Graham McClung has had a lifelong interest in the outdoors. And where there's outdoors there's weather. He is the editor of, where you can find reviews and advice to help you choose and use your own home weather station. You can contact him by email at

Advantages and Disadvantages of SOLAR ENERGY

Written by Anita van Wyk

Continued from page 1

4. Low/ no maintenance

  • Solar Energy systems are virtually maintenance free and will last for decades.
  • Once installed, there are no recurring costs.
  • They operate silently, have no moving parts, do not release offensive smells and do not require you to add any fuel.
  • More solar panels can easily be added inrepparttar future when your family's needs grow.

Solar Energy Disadvantages

  • The initial cost isrepparttar 150139 main disadvantage of installing a solar energy system, largely because ofrepparttar 150140 high cost ofrepparttar 150141 semi-conducting materials used in building one.
  • The cost of solar energy is also high compared to non-renewable utility-supplied electricity. As energy shortages are becoming more common, solar energy is becoming more price-competitive.
  • Solar panels require quite a large area for installation to achieve a good level of efficiency.
  • The efficiency ofrepparttar 150142 system also relies onrepparttar 150143 location ofrepparttar 150144 sun, although this problem can be overcome withrepparttar 150145 installation of certain components.
  • The production of solar energy is influenced byrepparttar 150146 presence of clouds or pollution inrepparttar 150147 air.
  • Similarly, no solar energy will be produced during nighttime although a battery backup system and/or net metering will solve this problem. See for details on how net metering allows you to save electricity and money.
  • As far as solar powered cars go - their slower speed might not appeal to everyone caught up in today's rat race.

To learn more about solar energy, go to

You'll discover ...

  • what solar energy is
  • how solar energy works
  • interesting facts about solar energy
  • how much solar energy costs
  • passive solar energy for homes, and
  • how to build solar energy systems
  • There's a whole section for students, teachers and parents; whiles homeowners can obtain FREE QUOTES for their solar energy projects. You'll find book and product reviews plus some helpful energy saving tips.

    Please email any questions to

    The author strives to make make more people aware of the benefits of using solar energy through her website

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