Does Marketing Belong In Ministry?

Written by Hugh Breland

Continued from page 1


Jesus was strategic. Do you perceive Jesus as inefficient, disorganized, and unintentional? If Jesus were in “corporate America”, do you think he would be a failure or a raging success? It is obvious that Jesus was intent on accomplishing his goals, that he was deliberate in choosing his disciples, and that his daily tactics lined up with his ultimate plans.

Jesus was creative. The word pictures that Jesus drew for his audiences evidence his creative thought and attention to innovation. Creativity is compelling. Just as it is essential to spend exhaustive hours learningrepparttar message, it is vital to design captivating presentations. God isrepparttar 126663 ultimate creator – simply look inrepparttar 126664 mirror and realize He designed you to be creative too.

Jesus was relevant. Though he did not waiver in his message, Jesus made sure that his presentation was relevant to his audience. There is a difference between theology and methodology. As a minister, it is imperative to identify your theology and fervently stand by it as you share it. Seminaries acrossrepparttar 126665 country do a phenomenal job teaching students theology. However as it pertains to methodology,repparttar 126666 way in which theology is presented, there is a disconnection.

The fruit of seminary is seen inrepparttar 126667 growth of churches aroundrepparttar 126668 globe. Yet as I step into local church after local church to observe their day-to-day and weekend-to-weekend operations, there is a lack of creativity and relevancy. The training ground for tomorrow’s church leaders must align itself with forward thinking methodology. Remember,repparttar 126669 piano was cutting edge at one time – let’s create new and exciting ways to reach people! God-centered people with God-given creativity can implement God-sized plans that produce God-blessed results!

Currently the CEO of GoLo Sport, Hugh Breland is a nationally recognized speaker and consultant - known for his creativity and innovation. Prior to entering the business world, Hugh was a young adults pastor at one of the largest churches in the country. For more information on Hugh and GoLo Sport visit

Five Elements of Worship

Written by John Pape, Jr

Continued from page 1

2 Timothy 4:1-5 I charge thee therefore before God, andrepparttar Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judgerepparttar 126662 quick andrepparttar 126663 dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preachrepparttar 126664 word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. Forrepparttar 126665 time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears fromrepparttar 126666 truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, dorepparttar 126667 work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

We need to hearrepparttar 126668 word of God. And it is important to note that evenrepparttar 126669 preaching is a form of worship to God. God what’s you to know him. He want’s you to know him intimately. He wants you to understand who and what he is. This is key to His relationship with you. After all how can you worship or love someone you don’t know. This is why he has preachers. Preaching is really an opportunity to dive into God’s wordrepparttar 126670 bible and learn more about who he is. Learn how He operates.

In regards to worshiprepparttar 126671 music is notrepparttar 126672 warm-up torepparttar 126673 message. Both are vital torepparttar 126674 whole worship experience. One complementsrepparttar 126675 other as do allrepparttar 126676 other areas we are discussing inrepparttar 126677 section. Giving

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Okay, with all your heart mind and soul you are to give. The Christian life is not about receiving it is about giving.

Growing up at Christmas time it was our family tradition to get gifts for everyone inrepparttar 126678 immediate family. I would get gifts for mom, dad, brother and sister. Oftentimes it was difficult to make a decision as to which gift to give. First, because I was young, my resources were very limited. So I had to eliminate any gift that were too expensive. This did leaverepparttar 126679 playing field down quite a bit. But it became obvious that my parents already had quite a few item that they already owned. In reality there was only a few things that I could give. It is like that with God. God ownsrepparttar 126680 universe and everything in it. But one thing that we can give is our worship to Him. This is one thing that He really enjoys from his people.

The first thing most people think about whenrepparttar 126681 subject of giving comes up is money. Yes it is true that giving money torepparttar 126682 church is a privilege we all can partake. But, I want you to also know that it goes beyond that. It is your entire life that God wants. You haverepparttar 126683 awesome opportunity to give all your resources to God. This includes your time, your body, your mind. When you give to God allrepparttar 126684 resources available to you, it is at that time a true sacrifice of praise and worship.


Matthew 26:26-29 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it torepparttar 126685 disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he tookrepparttar 126686 cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood ofrepparttar 126687 new testament, which is shed for many forrepparttar 126688 remission of sins. But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit ofrepparttar 126689 vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.

Communion isrepparttar 126690 greatest privilege a Christian can experience. This is a time for true intimate relationship with Jesus. This is a time of oneness. It is time forrepparttar 126691 worshipper to bond with their Savior. It identifiesrepparttar 126692 believer with Christ. Communion allows us to focus onrepparttar 126693 greatest gift ever given to mankind. It is a time to remember that Jesus death onrepparttar 126694 cross isrepparttar 126695 ultimate and final sacrifice forrepparttar 126696 sins ofrepparttar 126697 world. Bringing it all together

As you can see there are many facets torepparttar 126698 worship experience. Each is as important asrepparttar 126699 other. The key for rich and fulfilling worship is balance. As you balance these five elements in your worship service, you provide more opportunities forrepparttar 126700 worshiper. RESOURCE BOX

This article is an excerpt forrepparttar 126701 new book by John Pape, Jr titled "Building a House of Worship" For more information on how you can get your copy of this book go to... SPECIAL NOTICE: Please feel free to publish this article in your e-zines, newsletters, on your website or in your book. I only require that you publishrepparttar 126702 Resource Box andrepparttar 126703 end ofrepparttar 126704 article. Copyright John Pape Jr.

John Pape is a songwriter and author who live is beautiful southern California with his wife and two kids. He recently published a new e-book titles "Building a House of Worship". He has also written several praise and worship songs for Christian Worship leaders to bless the people they serve with new songs. For more information go to

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