Does Growing Old Scare You?

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

Are you picking out your retirement home -- a home of your own to retire in?

Or your retirement *room?*

Do you kid around now saying, this is our last house beforerepparttar Home?

Well, why don't you stop that? There are plenty of very productive older people out there living, being, having their dreams come true. They aren't saying *I wish I'd have diedrepparttar 115786 minute I turned old.*

They arerepparttar 115787 age they are, they've accepted it and are doing a lot of great things DESPITE being what others are calling old. Now, granted, they could be home laying in bed, getting ready to die because life as they knew it is over.

What type of person would you rather be? Pick someone out and keep that person as your mentor. Because, as you may know, if you aren't consciously picking your aged mentor now, you are Unconsciously picking him or her -- and I'll bet it's not one you wish to emulate.

Take charge of your growing older years. Grow old with love, not trepidation. Good luck and let me know how it's going. I care.

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Thanks for reading. Jan

~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2000, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide ---------------------------------------------------------------

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Continued from page 1
This strain may lead to hypertension and enlargement of heart (hypertrophy) thereby makingrepparttar individual susceptible to a host of heart conditions. Snoring occurs during sleep because there is relaxation of muscles ofrepparttar 115785 upper airways allowing for partial collapse to occur. It occurs more commonly among those who use alcohol as this acts as a depressant torepparttar 115786 muscles and also depressesrepparttar 115787 protective reflex responses to cessation of breathing, so prolongingrepparttar 115788 apneic attacks. Obesity is another factor associated with snoring, as there is an increase in fat deposition aroundrepparttar 115789 upper airways leading to their narrowing. In children, blocked nose, enlarged tonsils And upper respiratory tract inflammations are important causes of snoring. In solving snoring cases, Dr. Makaya says that,” You should reducerepparttar 115790 amount of alcohol if you are a drinker, reduce your weight if you are over weight and get respiratory tract inflammation treated. This should be done in addition to simple measures such as change inrepparttar 115791 position in which you sleep, because sleeping facing up leads torepparttar 115792 airway blockage. It is advisable to sleep onrepparttar 115793 side or facing down inrepparttar 115794 recovery position. Ifrepparttar 115795 problem persistrepparttar 115796 then consult an E.N.T specialist.


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