Does Affiliate Marketing really pay?

Written by Stephen Brennan

Continued from page 1

We’ve all seenrepparttar ‘Price Comparison’ websites, and I can’t help wondering how merchants view such websites, given that they are promoting a product solely onrepparttar 148050 basis of it’s price. Please, I mean no specific disrespect to anyone who may have such a website, in fact I once did, before I decided to get serious by finding out how to go about it correctly. Some Affiliate programs and merchants are now excluding these types of website.

There are those that announce they have ‘scoured’repparttar 148051 Net forrepparttar 148052 very best of a particular product and are presenting it torepparttar 148053 consumer to save themrepparttar 148054 time and trouble. Apart fromrepparttar 148055 fact that people like to do their own ‘scouring’, they may also not be able to help wondering exactly how much has been done. I take my hat off torepparttar 148056 Affiliate who has located, ordered and paid for, then tried and tested a number of products simply so he can recommendrepparttar 148057 best one in each category.

The Internet is full of these attempts at Affiliate Marketing. The ‘Affiliate or Banner Farms’,repparttar 148058 ‘Price and Comparison Websites’ andrepparttar 148059 websites containing advertisements for totally unrelated products and services are everywhere.

Of course Affiliate marketing can pay and it can pay well for those who do their ‘homework’ and formulate a valid strategy. Those who decide to plan, promote, present, and purvey (my four P’s), before charging headlong into a waste of time and sometimes money, can actually fulfill their dream of making a living from their home.

Stephen Brennan is the author of the popular ebook title ‘The Affiliate Guide Book’ – The Definitive guide to Affiliate SUCCESS. He also runs The Home Based Business and Affiliate Center and HomeBasedBiz Safelist.

The Truth About Online Home Based Business

Written by Charles Fuchs

Continued from page 1

Plus, you will need some conventional advertising and marketing materials for your online home based business in addition to any online advertising and marketing you do. Things like business cards, letterhead, envelopes, flyers and circulars are must-haves for an online home based business just as they are for any kind of home based business. You want to getrepparttar word out about your online home based business to as many people as possible. It’s amazing how much traffic you can get to your site just by havingrepparttar 147963 URL of your online home based business printed on your business cards.

Then once your online home based business is up and running smoothly, even making some profit, don’t be fooled into thinking that’s all there is to it, that you can automate your online home based business, then sit back and do nothing. Because, alas, this myth isn’t true either. Evenrepparttar 147964 biggest Internet gurus work at improving their businesses and put in a lot of long hours inrepparttar 147965 process. They’re always developing and adding new products, writing articles and books, holding teleconferences and podcasts, going to conventions and workshops, all while still managing their online business or online home based business’ day-to-day tasks. They put all that effort into their online home based business for one reason—they love it. And, ultimately, that’s what separates successful online home based business owners from unsuccessful home based business owners: passion.

Charles Fuchs

Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business.

I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long asrepparttar 147966 bylines are included, with a live link, andrepparttar 147967 article is not changed in any way.

Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business.

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