Continued from page 1
You can achieve whatever you want, all you have to have is
belief that you can do it. The belief that you can make a difference in this world.
Just stop for a moment. Ask yourself:
Do I believe I can make a difference in
If I were to die tomorrow, what would I be remembered for?
Are you happy with that?
It's your choice. You can make a difference in
world, if you want to. You choose.
The mountain that stops you achieving is inside you. It's your fear. It's what stops you from being a success. It's what allows you to say I'll try rather than I'll go for it 100%.
It's those thoughts that constantly show you
negative, why it cannot be done. The self defeating thoughts of why you are not
person to do it because you are not good enough. No one in your family has ever done it before. It's
voice inside your head that belittles you, disapproves of what you are going to do and even shows contempt towards you.
Pierluigi Collina, a football (soccer) referee now acknowledged to be
best referee in
world and one of
greatest referees of all time said:
"Faced with
choice between challenge and fear, I never have any doubts,
I'll take challenge every time"
Do not allow yourself to be a victim of your thoughts. Allow yourself to live, to reach your dreams. You owe it to yourself to reach your dream. To achieve your potential. To make a difference to
world. You need to write more on your epitaph than S/he survived until s/he was ?? years of age.
It's quite simple to succeed in life: you have to be different to other people. You have to do things differently. You have to change those negative, disabling limiting beliefs. You have to keep focussed on
job in hand. You have to do it better than anyone else. When you put effort into thinking and talking and being better then naturally you feel better and you have a better life. Therefore you deserve to succeed because you are willing to keep going when others fall by
Remember life is about learning not perfection. Go for it. You have
Graham and Julie
