Do you have Sinus Infection Symptoms?

Written by Mike Nielsen

Continued from page 1

• Only being able to breathe through your mouth because your nasal passages are so plugged.

• A decreased or total loss of smell

• A nasty, possibility green, stinky nasal discharge. (Sounds exciting doesn't it!?)

• That gross feeling of mucus draining downrepparttar back of your throat known as post nasal drip. Where areas do Sinus infection symptoms affect?

There are essentially four areas where you can feelrepparttar 114032 pain and pressure from a sinus infection. You may have experienced a headache inrepparttar 114033 forehead caused by an infection inrepparttar 114034 frontal sinuses. Ifrepparttar 114035 pain is more focused inrepparttar 114036 cheekbone area then your maxillary sinuses are infected. Your sphenoid sinuses may be infected ifrepparttar 114037 pain you experience is more general and goes allrepparttar 114038 way torepparttar 114039 top of your head. The sphenoid sinuses are located deep behindrepparttar 114040 eyes right aboverepparttar 114041 throat. Finally, ifrepparttar 114042 infection centers inrepparttar 114043 ethmoidal sinuses, you'll get that extremely uncomfortable pain behindrepparttar 114044 eyes.

What arerepparttar 114045 remedies for sinus infection symptoms?

Sinus infection symptoms are usually treated with an antibiotic, various nasal sprays, or other medication. Because sinus infection symptoms are common and chronic for many individuals, prevention is much better thanrepparttar 114046 cure. There are some simple activities, such as using a humidifier and regularly cleansing nasal passages, which can greatly decrease your chances of experiencing sinus infection symptoms.

In this article we have looked at what causes sinus infection symptoms, some ofrepparttar 114047 general sinus infection symptoms, whererepparttar 114048 sinus infections take place and some possible remedies to curing your sinus infection symptoms. I hope that you learned as much from reading this article as I did from writing it. I also hope that you will findrepparttar 114049 information in this article valuable torepparttar 114050 health of you and your loved ones.

Mike Nielsen is a client account specialist with 10xMarketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For more information about sinus infection symptoms, visit

Beauty Basics - Eight Tips For Naturally Beautiful Skin

Written by Ololade Franklin

Continued from page 1

4)Every week soak in a tub of bath salts. Salt, especially salts mined fromrepparttar Dead Sea inrepparttar 114031 Middle East, are rich in minerals and help draw impurities out ofrepparttar 114032 skin.

5)After a shower or bath, seal in moisture by using a body oil or lotion made from natural vegetable oils.

6)If you have blemishes and your skin is dry, moisturize your skin inrepparttar 114033 morning and at night with products that contain vegetable oils which are high in essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids help to soften and hydraterepparttar 114034 skin and they can also help soothe minor irritations. Vegetable oils that contain large amounts of essential fatty acids are: corn oil, sunflower seed oil, safflower oil, borage oil, blackcurrant seed oil and evening primrose oil.

7)Look for toners and astringents that are made without ethyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol. These ingredients are solvents that are extremely drying torepparttar 114035 skin.

8)Every time you wash your hands, moisturize them with a natural lotion or cream to help them stay soft.

Ololade Franklin publishes Making Good Scents(TM), a newsletter for people who make their own bath and body care products. For information about Making Good Scents(TM) visit

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