Do search engines like your Web site?

Written by Paul Silver and David Rosam

Continued from page 1

Links like these will look something like this:

<a href="index.html" rel="nofollow">Home Page</a>

Page addresses to avoid

Spiders will also ignore pages if they don't likerepparttar URL (the address needed to findrepparttar 135498 page).

For example, a Web site that has URLs containing several variables can cause spiders to ignorerepparttar 135499 page content. You can spot pages like these as they have a ? in them, and &, for instance:

This URL has three variables,repparttar 135500 parts withrepparttar 135501 = in them, betweenrepparttar 135502 ? and &s. We find that if a page has one variable, or even two,repparttar 135503 top search engines will spider them without any problems. But if a URL has more than that, oftenrepparttar 135504 search engines will not spider them.

Spiders particularly avoid URLs that look like they have 'session IDs' in them. They look something like this:

The set of numbers and letters do not make much sense to humans, but some Web sites use them to keep track of who you are, as you click through their Web site.

Spiders will generally avoid URLs with Session IDs in them, so if your Web site has them, you need to talk torepparttar 135505 people who developedrepparttar 135506 site about re-writing it so they do not use these IDs, or at least that you can get aroundrepparttar 135507 Web site without them.

Clean links = happy spiders

If you use clean, easy to follow links without several variables in them, your Web site should be spidered without problem. There are, of course, many other facets to successful Search Engine Optimization, but ifrepparttar 135508 search engines can't spider your content, your site will fall atrepparttar 135509 first hurdle.

Paul Silver and David Rosam are Head of Technical SEO and Head of SEO Copywriting at Web Positioning Centre ( Paul has been involved with the Web commercially since 1996 and David has been writing marketing copy for 20 years, and writing for the Web for a decade.

LSI and Link Popularity

Written by Andy Hagans

Continued from page 1

Latent semantic indexing can help overcomerepparttar "vocabulary mismatch" problem when a human uses a search engine. Individual words do not always provide reliable evidence aboutrepparttar 135455 conceptual meaning of a document. For instance, a Web page that is highly relevant torepparttar 135456 term "laptop" may never userepparttar 135457 term "notebook," however it is clear to a human being that "notebook" is often used as a synonym for "laptop."

While it is beyondrepparttar 135458 scope of this article to discussrepparttar 135459 mathematics behind LSI, its implications for search algorithms are simple. LSI can use statistical techniques to create a semantic analysis for any given query topic. In practice, this means that a page can be considered relevant for a particular keyword, even if it does not contain that keyword. For instance, a page that is considered relevant for "laptop" can also be considered relevant for "notebook" even if it does not containrepparttar 135460 word "notebook," if LSI determines that "notebook" is semantically related to "laptop."

The principle can be applied to backlinks as well. Backlinks with anchor text that do not contain your Web site's main keyword, but instead contain a synonym or related word, may still be giving your site a bonus forrepparttar 135461 main keyword.

Link Popularity Building Best Practice: Vary Your Anchor Text

The recent increase in penalties given to sites with unnatural backlink anchor text, along withrepparttar 135462 possible implementation of LSI, should give webmasters motivation to vary their backlink anchor text heavily. Rather than seeking to only obtain links using their main keyword, webmasters should include synonyms, variations and related words. Certainly no single keyword variation should be usedrepparttar 135463 majority ofrepparttar 135464 time; rather,repparttar 135465 text of all links should vary widely, just as they would ifrepparttar 135466 links were obtained passively. This will ensure a site's improvement in repparttar 135467 SERPs, without drawing a penalty flag.

Andy Hagans is a search engine optimization consultant who specializes in link popularity building and risk management. Visit for more information. See for more information on Mr. Hagans' link building services.

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