Do You Know You How To Focus?

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

*** Sidebar Releaserepparttar breath whenever you feelrepparttar 123628 need, then take another deep breath and hold it while we work some more. Do this throughout. *** End of sidebar

Step nine: Now, as you take control of your heartbeat, moving it at will, pickrepparttar 123629 place you want to be your power place. Let's say it's your right thumb. That golden glow of light on your head is continuous and is flowing down, down through your arm into that thumb. Feelrepparttar 123630 power!

*** Sidebar Now, if you are atrepparttar 123631 age where you tend to feel arthritis in a joint, this may feel like that. If you don't want to encourage that, pick a different place. Or, hey, maybe you wantrepparttar 123632 energy to settle in whererepparttar 123633 arthritis is and have it scatterrepparttar 123634 arthritis. What a concept! *** End of sidebar

Do this daily. Do it often duringrepparttar 123635 first few days until you feel your power just by thinking of your power place. While your mind is concentrating on your power place, it isn't concentrating on anything else, and that's one ofrepparttar 123636 purposes of this exercise. To calm your mind.

Now, you have just learned how to center yourself. After using this technique for several days (usually 21) it will become a habit. Towardrepparttar 123637 last few days you will feel a shift in your thinking, and you will be able to feelrepparttar 123638 confidence that this invokes in your mind. Answers will come to you *out ofrepparttar 123639 blue.*

Just think, no one else knows how to do this.

*Hm. Well, no one you know, evidently?*

You can startle your friends with your knowledge, you can impress your spouse, and best of all *you can teach your kids!* And, of course, anyone else if they're really, really nice to you.

If you find yourself getting nervous or forgetting things inrepparttar 123640 future, check it out. Were you centered? No? Why not?

Thanks for reading. Jan

~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2003, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide ~~~~~~~~~

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Jan Tincher, nationally recognized expert in Hypnotherapy & Neuro-Linguistic Programming, teaches strategies and techniques to help you live a better, happier life! She studied under Richard Bandler and Anthony Robbins, and has a successful practice in Forest City, Iowa. She is an award winning author, and you can read many of her articles at . You can read what people say about her at

Be Your Own Best Friend

Written by Sibyl McLendon

Continued from page 1

Try sitting down and making a list ofrepparttar qualities that a best friend has. Then work on applying these qualities to yourself, for yourself.

Learn to hold your own hand and berepparttar 123627 most supportive person in your life. When you learn to be your best friend, then everything changes forrepparttar 123628 better. You are not dependant on others for your self-esteem. You are not always looking outside of yourself for your own happiness and success. When you learn to respect yourself, you also learn that you deserve onlyrepparttar 123629 best that life has to offer. Then, you go out and get it!

Sibyl McLendon, a Navajo woman living in the American Southwest, is a personal empowerment coach for Circle Of Grace Sibyl can be contacted at

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