Do You Know When You Are Being Sold To?

Written by Joanna Ferndale

Continued from page 1

Product placement is a particularly potent form of subliminal advertising because it catches us off guard. When we see a commercial break onrepparttar television, we know we are being sold to and so have our defences up – we take what we are told withrepparttar 100730 due level of cynicism. But whenrepparttar 100731 ads are over and we return torepparttar 100732 TV show, we mentally relax that guard, and become much more open to suggestion. It’s not just consumer goods that are marketed this way; awareness groups and even political campaigners userepparttar 100733 same subliminal techniques to subtly get their message across.

Hidden (Subliminal) Imagery

This is perhaps,repparttar 100734 most devious technique inrepparttar 100735 advertisers armoury. It involves embedding images or words into a standard advertisement. One ofrepparttar 100736 most effective uses of hidden messages in mainstream advertising isrepparttar 100737 “sexual connection”. Sex conjures up strong emotions of power, pleasure, and well-being, and so if a advertiser can tap into those at will he has a powerful tool indeed - no pun intended! Examples of subliminal messages of a sexual nature being used in advertising are numerous; Ritz crackers haverepparttar 100738 word “sex” spelled out on them inrepparttar 100739 tiny dots; many drinks ads manipulaterepparttar 100740 ice cubes in their photos by embedding images or words on them. Next time you see a print ad – study it carefully for hidden images or words, you may be surprised!

Joanna Ferndale is an advertising executive and freelance writer. You can find more information on hidden subliminal and subliminal messages at

Ten Tall Tales of Traditional Marketing #2

Written by Jimmy Vee

Continued from page 1

Another tremendous benefit enjoyed by companies that are remarkable isrepparttar concept of permission. A company with a unique size, flavor, or look has a better than average chance of requesting and receiving permission from their would-be and current customers to market directly to them with specific and relevant information. It's a concept we'll talk more about in a few days, butrepparttar 100729 concept is simple. When someone permits you to market to them,repparttar 100730 task is easier,repparttar 100731 cost is lower, andrepparttar 100732 results are better.

Advertising is only expensive when you ask it to do a remarkable task for an unremarkable company. So dig deep and find out what's remarkable about your product or service or method or whatever and start tellingrepparttar 100733 people who care.

Tomorrow we’ll tell yourepparttar 100734 truth behindrepparttar 100735 tall tale that says if you get your message in front of enough people it will be successful.

Getrepparttar 100736 full ebook "Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" and others at our website:

Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller are the partners of scend, a nontraditional advertising agency and authors of the revolutionary “Gravitational Marketing System” which helps businesses harness the power of word-of-mouth advertising. They believe that if you are remarkable, you can be famous, people will know your name, and the world will beat a path to your door. For questions, comments, or to shoot the bull, email them directly:

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