Do You Know What's The #1 Success Secret Is?

Written by Patric Chan

Continued from page 1

Do you see yet whatrepparttar number one success secret is?

You must take action! You must put your ideas into play.

You will not be successful if you don’t take action. You can have as many ideas as you want, read as many books as you want, listen to motivational tapes, and watch inspirational speakers, but if you do not act on what you learn, you will not be successful.

It really is that simple.

If you have a great idea but stand still with it, nothing will happen. You have to walk—or better yet, run!—with your idea to make it happen.

After all, who was successful withrepparttar 142979 dog snack idea?

Was it my friend, who quite possibly hadrepparttar 142980 idea first, or was it her friend’s husband, who actually followed through withrepparttar 142981 idea?

The person who takes action will be successful.

I know that it can be difficult to take action, especially if you are used to not doing so. It can be very hard to break out ofrepparttar 142982 bad habit of inaction.

You’ll need to have continous improvement to achieve it. If you want to know how and where you can gain continous self-improvement resources, email me at patric(AT)

Take action now.

To your success,

Patric Chan CEO,

This article is written by Patric Chan, CEO of and author of 'How To Make More Money Easily'. Discover the 5 wealth lessons on how to make more money and work less in 'How To Make More Money Easily'.

Are You Suffering from the Autopilot Dilemma?

Written by Jason M. Gracia

Continued from page 1

This is your life we are talking about here. It's worth takingrepparttar time to breakrepparttar 142978 pattern of habit and creatingrepparttar 142979 changes you wish to make. There is little more that is as important asrepparttar 142980 life you create andrepparttar 142981 good you leave behind. Recognize if you are in a routine and break free.

IT'S NOT YOUR MORNING ROUTINE The routines I'm referring to are much deeper than a morning process of a shower and shave. I'm talking about turning off your brain and letting autopilot kick in. Doingrepparttar 142982 same things you didrepparttar 142983 day before with no plans to changerepparttar 142984 pattern any time soon.

You knowrepparttar 142985 drill - wake up, shower, work, home, sleep, repeat. This is no way to live, and you know that. But it's still hard to break free oncerepparttar 142986 routine has gotten hold of you. All hope is not lost. If you want to turn offrepparttar 142987 autopilot and start taking control of your life it takes only one moment to makerepparttar 142988 decision. And then everything changes.

You've heard it a thousands times, and it's a good thing, because it's true. If you keep doing what you have always done inrepparttar 142989 past you will keep gettingrepparttar 142990 exact same results. People experience a partial insanity when it comes to routine. Perfectly logical creatures believe that doingrepparttar 142991 same thing again and again will get different results. That's crazy!

If you want to lose weight but continue withrepparttar 142992 same eating habits, you won't lose weight. If you want to have more energy but stay up until four and get up at six it won't happen. You have goals, just like everyone else. If you are stuck in a routine you won't accomplish them. Be honest with yourself about this one. It'srepparttar 142993 only way you'll realizerepparttar 142994 need for a change before you can enjoy improvement.

BREAK THE PATTERN! What does it take? It takes a decision. A choice of what you really want to do with your life andrepparttar 142995 corresponding actions to make it happen. I want you to create a plan for your future andrepparttar 142996 goals you want to accomplish. If you know where you are going and how to get there you will not be disappointed inrepparttar 142997 end.

by Jason Gracia - Motivation123 Get your Free Motivation Kit filled with dozens of quick and easy motivation tips and techniques atrepparttar 142998 Motivation123 Web site. Visit now!

Jason Gracia specializes in helping people get and stay motivated to live happier, more successful lives.

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