Do You Have a Hobby That Makes Money for You?

Written by Gerardas Norkus

Continued from page 1

Each web site built by SBI! is search engine optimized. It means that when you build your own web site withrepparttar SBI! tools,repparttar 102258 traffic to your web pages is guaranteed through search engines.

And it doesn't matter what your hobby is - Ken takes you by hand and explains how you can make money fromrepparttar 102259 traffic received to your web site. What matters is - you create information-rich content pages about what you know and love - about your hobby!

If you think that you cannot write web content - forget it, you can! - SBI! will guide you step-by-step from developing your web site's concept to brainstorming hundreds of profitable related keywords; building a themed web site; generating motivated, targeted search engine traffic that wants to click on your recommendations, links torepparttar 102260 related products sold by merchants that you will represent.

Note that this is not a "get rich quick" scheme. It will require lots of your energy, work and time. The bottom line is that you will have a hobby that makes money for you!

So, if you don't have a money making hobby yet, sell what you already know and love (your hobby), find a niche that you feel passionate about, and achieve increadible results driving targeted search engine traffic to your web site and earning big checks from affiliate marketing. For more information visit:

Gerardas Norkus is a successful author and publisher of

Great tips on receiving free merchandise and money from top on-line rewards and incentives programs.

(c) Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.

Design Website For Pre-Selling

Written by Sanjay Johari

Continued from page 1

The website which has valuable contentrepparttar visitor is looking for produces a pleasant experience for her. By pre-selling she is made to develop trust inrepparttar 102257 website andrepparttar 102258 webmaster and will look atrepparttar 102259 recommendations with an open mind. Oncerepparttar 102260 visitor decides to buy,repparttar 102261 website should ensue that she does not face any problems in making actual purchase. The links provided forrepparttar 102262 order page should work properly andrepparttar 102263 whole process should be kept simple. It will be very unfortunate ifrepparttar 102264 prospective buyer calls offrepparttar 102265 purchase only because she finds thatrepparttar 102266 ordering process does not work.

How will your website appear to your visitor? That is an important question which should be asked often. Try to visualize yourself as a first-time visitor to your site. Then see you site as if you looking at it forrepparttar 102267 first time. How does it appear? Does your headline create a curiosity? Are you drawn towardsrepparttar 102268 main content or other features of your site grab your attention? Is your main content "readable", interesting and not a sermon? How far does it succeed in pre-selling?

Ask your friends to see your website and give their opinion on these and other questions. Website building is a dynamic process and is never complete or perfect. But whatever changes are made, they should enhance its pre-selling ability. It is good idea to actually testrepparttar 102269 website after changes are made. Any change which tends to reducerepparttar 102270 traffic needs to be modified. The changes should gradually refinerepparttar 102271 website to attract more visitors.

Pre-selling should be seen as a service to satisfyrepparttar 102272 needs ofrepparttar 102273 visitors who arrive atrepparttar 102274 website. It should be considered asrepparttar 102275 first step before actual sale. Pre-selling forms a bond, an understanding built on trust betweenrepparttar 102276 seller andrepparttar 102277 prospective buyer which easesrepparttar 102278 process of actual sale.

Sanjay Johari regularly contributes his articles to various ezines. Visit his website for top business opportunities, e-books, articles, resources and more: www.Sanjay-j.Com Mailto:

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