Do You Have An Acid Reflux Problem?

Written by Rudy Silva

Continued from page 1

* Drinking water – When eating your meal, don’t drink any cold liquid. Cold liquid inrepparttar stomach decreasesrepparttar 140616 digestive activity and your food will take longer to digest. It is best not to drink any water with your meal since this decreaserepparttar 140617 strength of your hydrochloric acid. If you have to drink water to clear your throat use water at room temperature.

* Vegetables – Eat vegetables with lunch and dinner and decreaserepparttar 140618 amount of meat and protein you eat. Don’t over eat since this puts an extra load on your stomach and you may not be able to digest all this food. Try eating your vegetables raw when possible since this gives you extra enzymes and plenty of minerals. Any time you eat bread eat it with some vegetables. Bread is hard to digest andrepparttar 140619 added fiber helps its digestion and helps to move it throughrepparttar 140620 colon faster.

Just doing these three suggestions will help you improve your digestion and help to relieve your acid reflux. Concentrate on changing your eating habits andrepparttar 140621 types and quantities of food that you eat, if you want to stoprepparttar 140622 effects of acid reflux.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call “” More remedies and information on acid reflux go to:

Acid Reflux and Heartburn Natural Remedies Part II

Written by Rudy Silva

Continued from page 1

Romaine lettuce can be used to eliminate an acid reflux or heartburn condition. This lettuce is high in minerals and is highly alkaline.

Here’s what you need to do:

·Buy an organic romaine lettuce head ·Wash in distilled water ·Cut uprepparttar leaves and place them in a blender ·Add cold distilled water to make a slurry ·Add a slight amount of honey to give it taste

Drink a 4-8 oz to get relief from your acid reflux or acid stomach

Mace, Nutmeg, and Slippery Elm

Here is a natural remedy that uses mace and nutmeg, which has a history of treating indigestion, acid stomach, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach gas, and vomiting.

Here’s how to use it with half and half and slippery elm root herb. Slippery elm herb can be purchase in any herb store in powder.

·1 teaspoon of slippery elm bark ·a pinch of nutmeg ·a pinch of mace ·add distilled water to make a smooth slurry ·heat a pint of half and half to boil ·pull half and half from stove and add herb slurry ·stir in herb slurry

Allow this mixture to cool. Drink up to ½ cup at a time. Storerepparttar 140615 unused portion inrepparttar 140616 refrigerator. When drinkingrepparttar 140617 next cup, warm this mixture up.

Acid reflux and heartburn require alkaline nutrients to provide relief. These 4 natural remedies, when prepared properly, will give yourepparttar 140618 relief you need from these conditions. Try them; you will be surprised on how well they work.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid e-books. He writes a newsletter called and his information on other topics can be seen at:

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