Do You Have A Calling Or Burning Desire?

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1

life I was modestly happy.

Then came my first calling. I heard that small voice inside of me say

what are you good at. I thought talking to people, listening, accepting

people where they are. So my burning desire became being a counselor.

This took going back to school at a late age in life. It took lots of

starts and stops until I could believe it could happen. However, I

became a counselor and was very happy in this position in life for twenty or more years. I felt I had found my purpose. Then I had another calling it was to be a writer and a publisher.

I am inrepparttar middle of following that calling now. I am a publisher and a writer. I write everyday. I publish daily, and I earn my living this way now. Why do I say I am right inrepparttar 123142 middle of that calling

because each dayrepparttar 123143 calling becomes more of a burning desire. I have not come torepparttar 123144 end of this journey by any means. As I travel this path

I feel that I am helping others so I find purpose in doing this calling. But I know there is more. I can bring more of myself to my writing. I can bring more of myself by improving my ezine. I say to my

Higher Power how can I serve? He replies how can I serve you.

About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal

. If you would like to get your ad in front of a targeted market then subscribe to Jassmine's Journal for only $60 a year. subscribe here by clicking on the paypal button

The Power of Humility

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1

protects virtues and talents. Every virtue that is not accompanied by

humility is likely to be snatched away byrepparttar vain glory, and

destroyed by conceit, boastfulness and self-admiration.

Humility takes courage. The courage to take action and assert an

authentic identity and take action, to do things that might fail. To

assert oneself inrepparttar 123141 presence of fear,Without courage we yield to

fear, avoid risk and are unfulfilled.

Humitlity isrepparttar 123142 flip side of courage it isrepparttar 123143 ability to step back

and let go of an identity and say this isn't working. It takes humility

to say I am not making it in this business. However, it has been a

truly good learning experience.

Some people look at humility as a weakness. The opposite is true one

who is truly humble has power. Humility helps us to accept our

limitations and our humanity. It makes room forrepparttar 123144 Higher Power in our

lives. If one is on a spiritual path it is essential. It allows us to

admit when we are wrong, to apologize. Arrogance and Pride are fuel for

the Ego. Humility is a potent antidote and spiritual ally.

Humility gives usrepparttar 123145 power of spirit where ego leaves no room forrepparttar 123146

Higher Power.

About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's JOurnal

, a daily ezine. For only $60. a year you can subscribe to Jassmine's

Journal and target your advertising to eight lists. Come by today and


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