Do You Digot?

Written by Tim Dilley

Continued from page 1

As far as Diversification goes,repparttar strategy seems to be producing differenct picks every session. Currentlyrepparttar 146534 picks are predominately USD, but other currencies are starting to break-out. You can download my digot picker version 1.0 from This isrepparttar 146535 only digot picker that uses this strategy. I'm working on version 2.0 that will allow several different strategies. The digot picker will make you less dependent on other sites that offer digot data. You can download your own data directly from DX as early as 15 minutes after session with my digot picker. You will also be assured thatrepparttar 146536 data is correct. I've seen mistakes on some ofrepparttar 146537 other sites offering digot data. Take charge, don't wait for your data, do it yourself with digot picker 1.0.

Obsessed with the DXinOne business. Writes articles and software to help with the education and application of the Electronic Currency Exchanging Business © 2005 Xcash

My DXDA is Going Down!

Written by Tim Dilley

Continued from page 1
24 hr gain and below average CL%. You might also consider opening another portfolio that will offset your current portfolio with currency fluctuation. That would give you money either way if it came down to cruch time with your OA fee.

I still say it's anybody's guess, or should I say it's DXinOne's guess?

Obsessed with the DXinOne business. Writes articles and software to help with the education and application of the Electronic Currency Exchanging Business © 2005 Xcash

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