Do The Unfamiliar To Keep Your Writing GoingWritten by Catherine Franz
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Whenever I am trying to describe something, my logic side kicks in and brings next action to a halt. The self talk begins to say, “How can any word begin describing this beautiful sunrise?” Since drawing isn't a familiar item for me, I pull out a few drawing pencils or a water color brush and play. The drawing isn't something I do often. If I did, it would then become familiar and that self would stop me. It doesn't take but a few minutes of doing something unfamiliar before flow flourishes again and I am able to return to description or writing. Always remember, all words we use in our first draft look like ordinary words. It isn't until later that their appearance changes to extraordinary. The left self is always telling us that every day scenes or objects are just ordinary.. A mere beer bottle on side of road can receive a message, “So what.” When we push situation we usually ask, “How can I make this come alive?” By doing something unfamiliar in mind or in some type of action we can release right side to freedom to find words. Do so by seeing ordinary. Describing ordinary. At this moment you begin using both sides of brain. I guarantee that whatever you write will never be ordinary. Extraordinary writing is ordinary writing practiced.
Catherine Franz, life and business coach and marketing master, specializes in infoproduct development. More at: and Including articles and ezines.
| | Paint Me A PictureWritten by Jean Fritz
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Rich descriptions also allow you to build empathy for your characters by giving their subsequent reactions and behavior a context. Effective use of adjectives and adverbs allow reader to “get into head” of character. To mention that your main character was abused as a child is instructive, but to take reader through main character’s dark memory of being thrashed on bare legs with buckle end of a belt by a parent stinking of whiskey and sweat allows your reader to connect emotionally with your character. This serves to motivate them to read on; reader, like your main character, longs for resolution. One word of caution regarding adjective usage – don’t overdo. Many times, laborious descriptions tend to slow down progress of a story. Remember that adjectives are spices that brighten meat loaf. Just enough and you’ve created a gourmet meal; too many, and your end result meets garbage disposal.
The author is a freelance writer/editor and organic farmer. Her ezine, Writer's Notes, offers advice on writing, marketing and other topics relevant to writers and self-publishers. You can subscribe to Writer's Notes via the JMT Publications website (