Do The Thing You Fear

Written by Jan Tincher

Continued from page 1

Develop your ability to take intelligent risks consciously and deliberately by doingrepparttar things you fear, consciously and deliberately, one step at a time.

Remember how much of a stretch it is for babies to take that first step? Once they do, that second step comes much easier. You would never tell your baby he or she should stop trying, that she or he will never learn to walk. Be kind to yourself. Don't tell yourself that, either.

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Copyright 2003, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

DISCLAIMER: Jan Tincher and/or *Tame Your Brain!* do not guarantee or warrant thatrepparttar 123456 techniques and strategies portrayed will work for everyone. The techniques and strategies are general in nature and may not apply to everyone. The techniques and strategies are not intended to substitute for obtaining medical advice fromrepparttar 123457 medical profession. Always consult your own professionals before making any life-changing decisions.

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Grasso, Kennedy, Frost, Public Service and You

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

I went on to serve on many Boards, and raise money forrepparttar homeless. I considered it “tithing” – giving back. Because of Kennedy’s words, I felt I could make a difference, and as a volunteer coordinator on many occasions, I encouraged those around me too, as well. The results were always gratifying.

Part ofrepparttar 123455 issue with Grasso, our former chairman ofrepparttar 123456 NYSE concerns this idea of public service. Dick Grasso never completed college and worked his way uprepparttar 123457 SEC, though no one argues he did a good job, while current SEC chairman, William H. Donaldson founded Yale University’s Graduate School of Management and was its first dean.

In addition, Donaldson has worked in bothrepparttar 123458 private andrepparttar 123459 public sectors, an exposure Grasso hadn’t had. In a Washington Post article, “Two Wall St. Giants, One Long History,” it’s reported that “most people interviewed said they believe Donaldson truly is disturbed thatrepparttar 123460 chairman ofrepparttar 123461 NYSE might not viewrepparttar 123462 job as a public service post. Grasso … characterized his job as two-thirds businessman, one-third regulator.” The two disagreed as torepparttar 123463 nature ofrepparttar 123464 job. They have different presumptions. Donaldson, byrepparttar 123465 way, has his fortune, but made it before takingrepparttar 123466 chairmanship ofrepparttar 123467 exchange. “Donaldson comes at this fromrepparttar 123468 Brahmin school that viewsrepparttar 123469 exchange job as public service,” Columbia University Law professor John C. Coffee, Jr. is quoted as saying. “Grasso has worked there his whole career and has a legitimate Horatio Alger story. I don’t think he viewed himself as taking a vow of poverty.”

Grasso apparently felt he should be compensated like a Wall Street CEO, while Donaldson thought he should be paid as a public servant. The dispute, saidrepparttar 123470 Washington Post, “revealsrepparttar 123471 different styles ofrepparttar 123472 two men. “

What is public service and what does it have to do with you? How are you with your life balance? What are you withholding that’s making you weak?

©Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach, . Susan is the author of “Depression: The Need to Go Within,” and offers coaching, seminars, and distance learning in Emotional Intelligence. Check out the EQ eBook Library – . for FREE eZine.

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