Do Some Yard Work To Improve Customer Service!

Written by Sandi Carson

Continued from page 1

Before hiring anyone

Make sure that you specify your expectations beforehand. If you do, thenrepparttar potential employee will be able to judge whether or not to takerepparttar 106439 position that you offer.

It is better to lose a potential applicant than waste your time to trainrepparttar 106440 person. Only to have to start over later.

If it's too late, and you already have an employee that has a bad attitude, don't allow that person to poison your employee pot any more.

An employee that gripes all day, or is abusive towardsrepparttar 106441 other employees will ruin your business. Guaranteed.

The nasty attitude will rub off onrepparttar 106442 other employees because it's contagious. If your customers are able to senserepparttar 106443 tension, then they will feel like your employees are rude.

"You don't want that."

You need to have a talk with that person withrepparttar 106444 attitude problem in private. Put it down in writing thatrepparttar 106445 behavior will not be tolerated. That way, if you have to fire that person, you will already haverepparttar 106446 necessary documentation that you need.

Make sure thatrepparttar 106447 person understands thatrepparttar 106448 behavior will never be tolerated. (You can call this a career decision time forrepparttar 106449 employee.) Ifrepparttar 106450 behavior does not cease immediately and permanently, then they are gone. Don't hesitate on this matter.

If you are squeamish about firing someone then think about this: even if that employee has no contact with your customers, that very same employee will affect your other employees.

This is very important.

If you allow a negative, or abusive person to run loose around your other employees, thenrepparttar 106451 nice employees will resent you. You may not agree, but your employees will be more loyal and productive if you make sure that their working atmosphere is pleasant.

And,repparttar 106452 more loyal and productive that your employees are,repparttar 106453 higher your profits will be.

Besides, you want your customers to hear a smiling voice onrepparttar 106454 phone, or to see a smiling face when they come in. Right? Right!

Make sure that you always lead by example. Remember, monkey see, monkey do.

Written by S Carson. All rights reserved. Discover Tips isrepparttar 106455 place where you can go to get free customer service and employee loyalty tips.

After being in management for several years, I learned what it really takes to gain customer and employee loyalty. My articles were written for those managers and business owners that are looking for advice and tips on how to have even more loyal customers and employees. And because...

...the way I see it, if you don't care about what your customers and employees think, then you might as well close your business doors for good.

Want to Be A Millionaire? Think Like One. Here's How

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A.

Continued from page 1

7. Savvy investors (usually save between 15-20% of their income yearly), they know thatrepparttar most income comes fromrepparttar 106438 most risk.

8. They do what they love and find a way to make money at it.

9. They surround themselves with people who believe in them and support their goals.

"The general population," says Brian Koslow, author of "365 Ways to Become A Millionaire," "will even be in primary relationships with people who don't believe in them, which is very sad--like having a lead weight attached to your ankle."

10. Self-assurance in their money-making skills and love of doing it.

"The 'Money Masters,'" says Gurney, as she calls them, "said that if they lost all their money for some reason, they wouldn't be very anxious, because they would just do it over again."

A popular coach with an international clientele, Susan likes to help her clients succeed. You can visit her on the web at

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