Do Angels Have Names?

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1

practice it will only enhancerepparttar experience. For most people being in

contact with their personal angel speeds uprepparttar 126765 process of letting to

of anything that is keeping you back from experiencing your full

spiritual potential. This can be a very upsetting time as things

change fast but your angel will be there to help you through this time

and you will come outrepparttar 126766 other side a happier, and more spiritual

person. Your compainion angel will guide you on special paths you might not of

ever thought of without them. Remember they are here to communicate

Higher Powers plan for you to evolve spiritually directly fromrepparttar 126767

Higher Power to you. So trust your angel and follow their guidance. Feelrepparttar 126768 love and understanding of your own angel who has known you always and loves you unconditionally. This angel can teach

you to love yourself unconditionally.

Don't worry to much aboutrepparttar 126769 name ofrepparttar 126770 angel they will give you a

name as close to their vibration as you can understand. They do not

call each other by names because they know they are all one with Higher

Power. Something that a lot of mankind is still learning.

About the Author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of eight lists you

can subscribe to her lists at Her list cover the subjects of business, spiritual journies, angels,, creating your life, Wellness, and Goddess religion. Subscribe


What Is The Point?

Written by David Nelmes

Continued from page 1
then he seesrepparttar most wonderful thing ever to be in allrepparttar 126764 world...a hand. This hand reaches down to him and a voice says smoothly, but with authority, "Don't be afraid...I'm here to help you. Everything is fine now. You're going home."

As it turns out, a passing ship sawrepparttar 126765 smoke fromrepparttar 126766 burning hut and came in closer to see what it's cause might be. The reality is that God does not do good or bad things for us...he helps bring about what is best for us. We can judge things to be terrible or bad, but God can and will work with it so that all things work together for good.

A perfectly spiritual response torepparttar 126767 burning hut would have been an awareness that this will lead somewhere...that something good can and will come from actually be thankful inrepparttar 126768 knowledge that God is not unaware of your situation. It's when things appearrepparttar 126769 darkest is when it's more evident that opportunities and choices are being set at your feet by God. We bring aboutrepparttar 126770 circumstances that enablerepparttar 126771 dark moments, but it is within these moments that we generally truly open up to being helped and it's in these moments that we often see and accept an answer that God has provided.

God's answers are always there and it's not necessary for him to allow things to get traumatic for us to learn and accept things, but often, trauma and conflict isrepparttar 126772 only thing that we initially accept. Whenrepparttar 126773 weight and misery of what we have taken on gets so unbearable, many of us finally turn to God and open up to receive from himrepparttar 126774 answer that was always available and just sitting there for us...waiting for us to be open to receive it.

The lesson or concept to embrace is that it's not necessary for things to get to a terrible place before you acceptrepparttar 126775 answers that God has already provided. You can just choose to be open and choose to see thatrepparttar 126776 circumstances in your life, no matter how good or bad they might appear to you, can all lead to a greater good...somehow...someway. It doesn't matter if you can fathom it or not. Actually, you have to accept that you can't fathom it. By accepting only as far as you can fathom, you are restricting God who can fathom far beyond anything we can imagine.

You are not alone. God is not unaware of your needs...real or just perceived. God sentrepparttar 126777 Holy Spirit to work in your life so that your life will improve and be healed. It isrepparttar 126778 purpose ofrepparttar 126779 Holy Spirit to do everything and anything that will draw you towardsrepparttar 126780 light, so be thankful for everything and you will then seerepparttar 126781 God in your situation and you will experience and receiverepparttar 126782 healing it provides.

This article Copyright ©2004 David Nelmes - Reproduced with Permission.

*Compliments of:
Dreams Alive Magazine -
Being Willing -

David Nelmes provides opportunities for those around him to see things from perspectives they had not considered before. His desire is for himself and all men to pursue truth and be open and willing to see what God would have us see. His influences consist of being truly open and applying the truths in both "The Bible" and "A Course In Miracles". See more at: -

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