Dispelling a Myth

Written by Robert Van Rumpt

Continued from page 1

I can only conclude that you need significant computer skills to be successful in running an on-line business. It is like driving a racing car and Grandpa might not be an Andretti. I can drive a small car, preferably an automatic, but a racecar (although tempting) is best left torepparttar professional. I like taking lessons fromrepparttar 100306 professional and sometime he lets me try outrepparttar 100307 real thing but only with him as a co-driver. A race car is just too expensive to crash.

So it is withrepparttar 100308 on-line business (in my humble opinion). My livelihood depends on it and why would I takerepparttar 100309 risk of ‘crashing’ it. I love this business and all it entails. I believe that one of my strengths lies withinrepparttar 100310 ability to know my limits. When it comes to computers and technical stuff I gladly bow out to my esteemed mentor; no pride lost here.

My suggestion is for those of us that are inrepparttar 100311 same category….find yourself a competent partner that has skills you don’t and I am sure it will pay off big time!


BIZOPZ BOB is a home business entrepreneur with a number of successful ventures on the go. He has an extensive business background and has ventured into the on-line community with a passion. While maintaining healthy skepticism, he explores many different opportunities and reports on his endeavors, good or bad. He tends to shoot straight; aim high and load for bear! You can contact Bob at: http://bizopz-online.com

A Home Business Tax-time Tip

Written by Joe L.Golson

Continued from page 1

Want to slash your chances of an audit? 1. Report ALL income. 2. Sign your return. 3. Double- and triple-check your calculations 4. Double check your Social Security number.

Those arerepparttar four simple mistakes that triggerrepparttar 100305 majority of all IRS Audits. No kidding.

There’s a “Tax Tip You Can Bank On.”

there is more free tax information at: http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/aftrack.asp?afid=80559

Report ALL income, Joe L.Golson Affiliate Marketing&Traffic solutions

Joe L.Golson is a writer and Affiliate Marketeer promoting Affiliate programs, products and services with many successes in work at home home business opportunities.Visit our website : http://www.tru-gold.com

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