Discover the Secret to Success in Your Own Back Yard

Written by Laurie Hayes

Continued from page 1

These quiet times providerepparttar perfect opportunity for you to ask yourself how satisfied you are with your current reality and decide on what you would like to create.

How you got to where you are is based onrepparttar 139480 decisions you make, what you think, andrepparttar 139481 opinions you hold. In order to achieve a breakthrough in your thinking so you can move forward, you need to spend time on your vision, andrepparttar 139482 great outdoors providesrepparttar 139483 perfect setting.

Removing yourself fromrepparttar 139484 daily activities of life and being with nature allows you to understand what goes on in your mind, heart and spirit. Spending time in a natural setting provides you with a positive energy that causes you to act on your vision and attract things into your life that support you in creation.

Sometimes in business and life, you know what you have to do to succeed, but you procrastinate. By quieting yourself and being with nature, you can increase your energy and receive amazing intuitive messages that will provide you with direction and motivate you to act.

By acting, you will create results and those results will attract more ofrepparttar 139485 same. When you are motivated, you attract things into your life from very unexpected sources.

You may not have a back yard or maybe not a quiet one, but if you can visit a nearby park, hiking trail, lake or seaside, do this for yourself.

So often our minds are spinning with activity from daily living and then for relaxation, we sit in front ofrepparttar 139486 television and stare at a moving screen for several hours. Our minds become over-stimulated. There is no down time to quietrepparttar 139487 mind and allow it to receive intuitive messages.

Television supplies a great deal of negative energy. In a one-hour sitting, how many acts of violence do you witness?

Put yourself in a natural setting where you can vibrate with expectation and quiet your mind. You will then be inspired and motivated to act in a way that will attract that which you desire.

Laurie works with small and home-based business owners who want to grow or build their business without sacrificing quality of life. She is the author of numerous articles and a bi-weekly newsletter, "The Heart of Living."

To subscribe to her free newsletter and learn more about coaching, visit

10 top tips for networking

Written by Sandra Beale

Continued from page 1
7. Developrepparttar ability to “small talk” Being able to talk to anyone about anything is a valuable skill in its own right and essential in networking. Being able to initiate a conversation means you are more likely come into contact with people who may well turn out to be invaluable contacts. Small talk can be difficult but have a few stock phrases up your sleeve such as “How did you get started in…..?”, “What do you particularly need to succeed?” “Where are you going with it next……?” 8. Develop active listening skills Networking is not about selling it is about listening torepparttar 139479 other person and showing them you are interested in them by active listening. Allow others to open up & talk freely. Give you’re your undivided attention even if it is only for five minutes. Take an interest in what’s said and acknowledge this by nodding or agreeing. Use positive body language such as facing them with lots of eye contact. Used subtle mirroring techniques (body language copying) to develop rapport. 9. Use your business card Withrepparttar 139480 many people you meet this isrepparttar 139481 only way to maintainrepparttar 139482 initial contact. 90% of businesses have no card and only 25% have a card that is up to date and informative. Atrepparttar 139483 very least your own should have on it your name, address and phone number and ideally your email address if not your website. Try to include onrepparttar 139484 back your skills focus to help others identify what you have to offer. You should also create a tracking system to identify and remember all those who you meet.

10. Be organised Keep a written list of everyone you know and everyone you meet and what they do or keep a database. Write memory joggers onrepparttar 139485 back of business cards. You may find it useful to keep a diary of who you meet and where and any mutual contacts for future reference.

For more details phone Sandra Beale on 07762 771290 or email Website:

HR & Training consultant with over 10 years experience in HR and MCIPD qualified. Set up own consultancy, SJ Beale HR Consult, in 2003 and based in Midlands. Set up Lightning in autumn 2004 to improve networking opportunities in the Midlands.

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