Discover The Make-Up Artist in You

Written by Valerie Garner

Continued from page 1

Look at your eyes closely now. You want to create balance. Not every eye will look best withrepparttar typical medium color onrepparttar 140903 lid, darkest inrepparttar 140904 crease and highlighter onrepparttar 140905 brow. Again, look at your eye shape, what needs brought forth (light), and what needs to recede (dark). A person with deep-set eyes for example will do best with a light to medium shade on their lid,repparttar 140906 lightest side in their crease, and a medium shade on their brow bone. The person withrepparttar 140907 deep-set eyes needs to avoid dark colors altogether, it will only accentuaterepparttar 140908 problem. Havingrepparttar 140909 lightest color inrepparttar 140910 crease will help bring forth their eyes, making their eyes look bigger, wider and not set back. This isrepparttar 140911 opposite pattern of what is typically told.

If a person has eyes that are close set together, you want light colors aroundrepparttar 140912 inside areas ofrepparttar 140913 eyes (nearrepparttar 140914 nose) to giverepparttar 140915 appearance of more space being there, makingrepparttar 140916 eyes look wider apart, and darker colors onrepparttar 140917 outside edges.

Play withrepparttar 140918 different looks until you getrepparttar 140919 right one for your bone structure. It also helps to stand back away from a mirror, from across a room to look, as you get a better feel of overall balance than right up close. Don’t be afraid to try new combos you hadn’t thought of before, it might berepparttar 140920 perfect fit for you!

By Valerie Garner-Mother, grandmother and candlemaker / owner of Joyful Designs in Soy. She loves to write on a variety of topics with a warm, and engaging style.

The Survey Feedback Process for Organizational Development and Change

Written by CMOE Development Team

Continued from page 1

Prior torepparttar action meetings, leaders need to gain a full understanding ofrepparttar 140902 survey data and begin to structure a plan forrepparttar 140903 first meeting. Oncerepparttar 140904 meeting begins,repparttar 140905 leader should guiderepparttar 140906 group's evaluation ofrepparttar 140907 results and development of solutions. Followingrepparttar 140908 initial meeting, a summary should be documented and action plans circulated. Follow-up meetings are necessary to coordinate and evaluate changes and progress. Action plans arerepparttar 140909 means of fully utilizingrepparttar 140910 survey feedback, without it we simply have a snap shot of whererepparttar 140911 organization is, with no plan for positive change.

Ifrepparttar 140912 team feedback meeting is poorly handled, there will be low front-end commitment onrepparttar 140913 part ofrepparttar 140914 team. Of course group dynamics will be unique in every situation, andrepparttar 140915 leader will need to consider this asrepparttar 140916 survey data is disseminated. Tailoring sessions to meetrepparttar 140917 group characteristics will provide for a more effective discussion. In any case, consider a few of these ideas:

  • Be optimistic and excited aboutrepparttar 140918 information and how it can be used to betterrepparttar 140919 organization.
  • Verbally express positive points.
  • Ask for participation by all members and reinforce their openness and contributions.
  • Invite them to explore with yourepparttar 140920 areas that need improvement.
  • Be supportive and clear about action and follow-up plans.
  • Establish a clear commitment to utilizerepparttar 140921 survey feedback long-term and seek further feedback fromrepparttar 140922 group.

Most importantly, helprepparttar 140923 group understandrepparttar 140924 purpose and mission ofrepparttar 140925 survey feedback As a leader, feast onrepparttar 140926 opportunity of having clear data and truly listen and involve members in your organizational development and change endeavor.


If you would like to speak with someone regarding organizational development and change, please do not hesitate to call us at (801) 569-3444. We will be more than happy to share our experience with you in more detail.

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