Dirty little trick to get 10-25% Off ANY game - Alpha Ball

Written by David D. Deprice

Continued from page 1

Alpha Ball is a joy to play, and while a difficult game to complete due torepparttar number of levels,repparttar 136854 pacing ofrepparttar 136855 levels is quite relaxing. The graphics work well for a 3D breakout game, andrepparttar 136856 special effects are also very well done.

"Alpha Ball will satisfy Arkanoid fans looking for something new." Download.Com, 4/5 Stars

David D. Deprice teaches a dirty little trick to get 10-30% off any downloadable software at http://www.deprice.com

14 Tips to Make Moving Day Easier

Written by Carole Pagan

Continued from page 1

9. When packing clothes, sheets, towels and such, put a plastic garbage bag inrepparttar box first, then placerepparttar 136800 items inrepparttar 136801 plastic bag. This works for pots and pans too. Then you won’t have to rewash them when you unpack. Throw a fabric softener sheet intorepparttar 136802 bag of clothes and linens before you close it up to keep them smelling nice.

10. Packrepparttar 136803 items you will needrepparttar 136804 first night in separate boxes and label them so you can get to these things right away without having to go through 20 boxes trying to find things when you’re already exhausted.

11. Make surerepparttar 136805 beds get set up, and other heavy items are in place. Other things can be moved around later.

12. Old fashioned as it may be – letrepparttar 136806 guys worry aboutrepparttar 136807 furniture. Takerepparttar 136808 girls and let them help you getrepparttar 136809 cabinets and drawers washed out and your kitchen set up. Then, oncerepparttar 136810 truck is empty - everyone can easily sit down, relax, and have some pizza and beer and conversation.

13. If you packed well,repparttar 136811 clothes can go right inrepparttar 136812 drawers. The sheets and towels can go right into repparttar 136813 linen closet. Hanging clothes can go right into repparttar 136814 closets. Depending on how ambitious you are, repparttar 136815 entertainment center can be set up and books put in bookcases.

14. Take a break -repparttar 136816 rest can wait for a little while…… Rome wasn't built in a day.


Carole can show you how to keep that new home really clean right from the start. Get your copy of Secret Confessions of a Clean Freak and find out how you can easily keep your new castle gleaming. http://CleanFreak.CommonSenseLiving.com

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