Digital camera for digital printing

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Continued from page 1

Compression routines arerepparttar wayrepparttar 102828 picture is stored digitally. Some companies maintain their own proprietary compression method, and this can make sharing images difficult. JPEG isrepparttar 102829 standard, but also as with most standards can have less clarity in a picture. Consider cameras that also offerrepparttar 102830 ability to print off images at no compression for best results.

SLR is short for single-lens reflex viewfinder. Many cameras have two views: that whichrepparttar 102831 user sees to set uprepparttar 102832 shot, and that whichrepparttar 102833 camera sees. If you have an SLR camera both what you see and whatrepparttar 102834 camera shoots are lined up as one, and not slightly off on a different angle.

Having an amazing photo shot is easy; followingrepparttar 102835 above mentioned important tips will surely give you an exceptional picture. Capture your best moment with best digital camera and quality printing application.

For additional information and comments aboutrepparttar 102836 article you may log on to

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E-Z-MRP Allows Small Manufacturers to Grow Enterprise with New Upgrade System

Written by Rocky Smolin

Continued from page 1

Somewhere between Excel and ERP isrepparttar core process for most manufacturers. By offeringrepparttar 102827 two versions of E-Z-MRP, no small manufacturer will be required to purchase more software than actually needed, while still havingrepparttar 102828 ability to grow intorepparttar 102829 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

The EZ MRP package includes a full-featured Bill of Materials processor, plus a material planning and tracking module which tracks all sales orders, forecasts, work orders (planned, firm, and released), purchase orders, shortages, raw materials and finished goods inventories. It also records a complete audit trail on all inventory transactions. Also included is a physical inventory function and a purchase order module for printing purchase orders.

E-Z-MRP runs on any Windows-based PC or network, and requires only Access 2000, Access XP, or Access 2003 to run. No on-site or remote training is required. A comprehensive user manual with tutorials provides allrepparttar 102830 required instruction. Leasing options are also available.

For more information visitrepparttar 102831 company’s web site:, or call 858-259-4334.

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