Digital Film Processing is Really the Only Option for Truly Quality Prints

Written by Dave Gonzalez

Continued from page 1

For example, some of your digital photos may be fine if they’re kept in digital form on your computer, but others, such as wedding photos, may require better quality digital film processing. This allows you to print your digital pictures on regular paper, photo quality paper, use a home digital film processing printer, or even take it forrepparttar professionals to manage, as you would regular film.

When it is your regular digital photography that you’ll be digital film processing, however, you’ll loverepparttar 109895 great benefits of having your digital photo quickly, easily, and accurately.

Dave Gonzalez

Ellen Simonetti Stars In Second Episode Of Jacques

Written by Tim Mack

Continued from page 1

"She's a beauty Jacques. Hope she runs as good as she looks."

"I'm gonna head down torepparttar finish line. See ya there after you getrepparttar 109894 bet in Ellen."

"You've got it Jacques,repparttar 109895 finish line is my favorite place atrepparttar 109896 track also."

Ellen returned withrepparttar 109897 five hundred dollar win ticket on Joisey Girl and thenrepparttar 109898 track announcer announced "their inrepparttar 109899 gate."

"Are you nervous Jacques? You've got a lot riding on this race."

"A little nervous Ellen. I foundrepparttar 109900 most beautiful property inrepparttar 109901 world that I want to buy, but I can only buy it if Joisey Girl comes through for me."

"Will you show merepparttar 109902 property if she wins?"

"Sure Ellen. I'd be glad to. They're off. Oh, Joisey Girl got bumbed by two horses leavingrepparttar 109903 gate. She's back on track now but she lost a lot of ground."

"How much ground did she lose about Jacques?"

"I'd say she lost about ten lengths of ground being bumbed like that."

"Then she could still win Jacques. You're friend said she's at least ten lenghts better thanrepparttar 109904 top contenders."

"Yeah, she could still win Ellen, but she can't make any mistakes. Wow, she just made a bold move inrepparttar 109905 center ofrepparttar 109906 track. She's only four lenghts away fromrepparttar 109907 leader. Now dead even. Oh damn,repparttar 109908 jockey lostrepparttar 109909 whip. Their nose and nose. Neither one yielding. Here'srepparttar 109910 wire. Too close to call."

"Do you think she made it Jacques?"

"I really can't say for sure Ellen. I know its a nose job. But I can't tell whose nose got there first. The judges are calling for a print."

"Whats a print Jacques?"

"Whenrepparttar 109911 judges aren't sure what horse won they ask for a blow up picture of them crossingrepparttar 109912 finish line. Seven, they just put seven up Ellen, we won."

"How much did we win Jacques?

"They just made it offical now and putrepparttar 109913 price up Ellen. Joisey Girl paid one hundred and forty two dollars for every two dollar ticket. So you had a hundred dollars on her, so thats one hundred and forty two dollars times fivety and I get one hundred and forty two dollars times two hundred. Thats enough and more to buyrepparttar 109914 property I want. Lets cashrepparttar 109915 tickets in and have a drink."

"Okay Jacques, but just make my drink a coke, a coke with a double shot of bourbon that is."

"Here's your money Ellen and thanks for puttingrepparttar 109916 bet in. And hey you still have a ten dollar double going. The seven and seven double is paying fourteen hundred dollars for every two dollar ticket."

"Thanks Jacques and cheers."

"Cheers Ellen."

"They're going inrepparttar 109917 gate forrepparttar 109918 second race Jacques. There they go. My number seven Texas Sweetie went right torepparttar 109919 front. Go Texas Sweetie, go, go, go. Texas Swettie has opened a five length lead, now seven. Keep opening Texas Swettie, take some more real estate honey."

"She's got a good lead Ellen butrepparttar 109920 closers are starting to make their moves now. She's down to four lengths now but they're atrepparttar 109921 eigth pole. I say she hangs on. A sixteenth of a mile to go and she's still in front by three. The five horse is charging hard late, but here comesrepparttar 109922 wire. Texas Swettie hangs on to win by a half a length. Cash your tickets and lets walk out of here as big winners. Doesn't get any better than this."

"Okay, cashedrepparttar 109923 tickets Jacques. Where to now?"

"How bout a few songs atrepparttar 109924 Piano Bar to celebrate, then I'll show you that property. Do you still sing?"

"Just once in a while. I haven't felt much like singing since Delta fired me for blogging. Why do you ask?

"I wrote a little song I thought you might want to sing atrepparttar 109925 Piano Bar. Its a sort of political song. I thought you might get a kick out of it. I just jotted it down for you while you were cashing your tickets."

"The song looks interesting Jacques. I sing and play piano. I think I haverepparttar 109926 perfect piano tune for this."


"Realy Jacques. Think you have something hear. Order me a steak and I'll try this out onrepparttar 109927 piano while were waiting for our order."

"Okay, let me introduce you. Hi everyone, we have a special treat this afternoon from Austin Texas. Ellen Simonetti is going to sing "Got The Red State Blues."

I'm living in a red state

But I'm feeling blue

Don't know how it happened

But I woke up blue

My Daddy was in a union when Texas was blue

But ever since Texas turned red on me

There was no union job for me

I'm living in a red state

Yeah I'm feeling blue

Got fired for blogging

Now I'm seeing red

With no union job I wasn't making much

But I was stillrepparttar 109928 best that I could be

I did my job and never complained

Then my Mom passed

I tried to killrepparttar 109929 pain

I took up blogging

Just to ease my pain

But didn't mention any names

I blogged out of Quirksville

Called it Annomymous Airlines

Just talked bout my travels

Till one dayrepparttar 109930 phone rang

They said I was suspended

Something about blogging in uniform

Just didn't make any sense to me

But when you're living in a red state

Oh its just so blue

No union to represent you

Oh that door can slam hard

But what did I do wrong

I really don't know

But I'm living in a red state

Oh yeah, I've gotrepparttar 109931 blues

Ellen finished her song to thunderous claps.

"You did great Ellen, but why are you crying?"

"I'm crying Jacques overrepparttar 109932 fact that you could write a song like this in five minutes and still be such a slut. Give up women Jacques and just write."

"But Ellen, what would I have to write about if I gave up women?"

"You don't have to give them all up Jacques. Just cut it down to a parade of one. In fact I'm going to introduce you to someone today that would be perfect for you. She really is a good girl. And she'll be worth you're waiting."

"Maybe you're right Ellen. I guess I have been a bit of a slut lately. I've been with three different women in three days now. Its getting harder to seem sincere. Introduce me to your friend. I need someone that may see me as more than just a good time roll inrepparttar 109933 hay. But first I want to show you that property I'm going to buy."

"Oh yeah,repparttar 109934 property, I do want to see it."

"Okay, lets go then if you're ready Ellen."

They drove throughrepparttar 109935 valley passing by several lakes and then heardrepparttar 109936 sound of thundering water falls.

"This is it Ellen.

Ellen Simonetti the first Flight Attendant to ever be fired for blogging allowed me to write her into my second episode of Jacques. Her blog is called Diary Of A Flight Attendant. You can read all of my stories at Irresistible Du Jour.

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