
Written by Marsha Maung

Continued from page 1

Find other options . Look, discreetly, for other means of taking care of your son, some of which may be seeking outside help, alternating caretaking with mother and mother-in-law...etc. There are always other ways of finding a reasonably good caretaker for your baby. For me, I have resorted to hiring a live-in babysitter who takes care of my children when I am working.

Talk to other people about your problem . There will be other people who facerepparttar same problem you're facing. Sometimes, talking about it to another person will simply make it less significant and put things back into perspective. Especially whenrepparttar 110491 someone is someone you trust completely. Just remember to keep an open mind...

Consult other family members . Other people may have a tip or two up their sleeves on how they survivedrepparttar 110492 ordeal.

Swallowrepparttar 110493 pill . Take it from me, it is not worth it to argue with your baby's daycaregivers. Ultimately,repparttar 110494 welfare of your baby is in their hands. You're onrepparttar 110495 losing end if you piss them off. It is simply not worth it. Noone and I mean, NOONE will be able to UNDERSTAND or deal withrepparttar 110496 problems FOR YOU. Pick your battles wisely, smile and bear with it. Sometimes, bearing with it,repparttar 110497 other parties (like your day caregivers) may start to see something in you and things will starting becoming better. I mean, who knows?

Marsha Maung is a work at home graphic designer and writer. She lives in Selangor, Malaysia with her husband 2 boys, Joshua and Jared. For more information on Marsha, go to http://www.marshamaung.com.

Did Your Landlord Re-Key Your Apartment?

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

Even ifrepparttar previous tenant did return allrepparttar 110490 keys they had deliberately given out, there could still be copies floating around out there. It is incredibly easy to make a copy of a key. Ifrepparttar 110491 previous tenant left their entire set of keys at an auto mechanic's garage rather than justrepparttar 110492 car keys, there is a chance that someone copiedrepparttar 110493 house key.

When moving into a new apartment, you should ask ifrepparttar 110494 lock has been re-keyed. You might feel better if you went and bought a new lock regardless ofrepparttar 110495 circumstances just to be sure you have no problems with it. Ifrepparttar 110496 lock onrepparttar 110497 front door isn't a double and doesn't have a dead bolt lock, it should definitely be replaced. It is worthwhile to install a good lock with at least a one-inch bolt and be put in using nonstrippable one-way screws.

If your landlord doesn't offer to replace the, you can purchase a good dead bolt for under $20.00. Home Depot offers simple step by step instructions on dead bolt installation. Or, if you don't feel confident installingrepparttar 110498 lock yourself, you might call your local locksmith for a price quote on installation.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find rooms,apartments or roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or www.rooommateexpress.com

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