Did Jesus Go To Hell?

Written by Stephen Kingery

Continued from page 1

The Old Testament laws concerning sacrifices were a forerunner torepparttar perfect sacrifice which Jesus was to make. In other words,repparttar 140697 sacrifices ofrepparttar 140698 Old Testament were a picture of or a representation ofrepparttar 140699 perfect sacrifice of Jesus. When God ordained these laws concerning sacrifices, He placed stipulations on them concerningrepparttar 140700 characteristics ofrepparttar 140701 animals which were to be used. Regardless ofrepparttar 140702 kind of animal to be used, there was always one specific characteristic that they were to have. That characteristic was, "without blemish." (See Leviticus 4:3; 4:28; Deuteronomy 15:21) The sacrifice was to be a perfect sacrifice, without blemish or defect.

The New Testament tells us that Jesus was a perfect sacrifice, "how much more shallrepparttar 140703 blood of Christ, who throughrepparttar 140704 eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God. . ." (Hebrews 9:14) Does this sound as if Jesus becamerepparttar 140705 despicable characterrepparttar 140706 Faith teachers claim He became onrepparttar 140707 cross? And how about this, "but withrepparttar 140708 precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot." (1 Peter 1:19) Again I say,repparttar 140709 picture here is one of Jesus being a perfect sacrifice. And one last comment on this aspect of our discussion, "And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma." (Ephesians 5:2) If Jesus had actually becamerepparttar 140710 demonrepparttar 140711 Faith teachers claim He became, then God's word would not describe Him as "a sweet-smelling aroma" for we know that God cannot tolerate sin.

The Faith teachers contend that in order for Jesus to have beenrepparttar 140712 sacrifice for our sins, He had to die spiritually. Or, to put it another way, His physical death onrepparttar 140713 cross was not sufficient. Inrepparttar 140714 first place, if God says thatrepparttar 140715 physical death of Jesus is sufficient, who dorepparttar 140716 Faith teachers think they are to contradict Him? The Scriptures (God's word) teaches thatrepparttar 140717 sacrifice Jesus made for us was His physical death onrepparttar 140718 cross. Consider these passages: "By that will we have been sanctified throughrepparttar 140719 offering ofrepparttar 140720 body of Jesus Christ once for all." (Hebrews 10:10); "And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled inrepparttar 140721 body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight" (Colossians 1:21,22); and "who Himself bore our sins in His own body onrepparttar 140722 tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). [See also 1 Peter 3:18; 4:1] These Scriptures (and others) unmistakably show that it was throughrepparttar 140723 death of Jesus' physical body thatrepparttar 140724 sacrifice was made for our sins.

To further illustrate this point Jesus Himself gave usrepparttar 140725 Lord's Supper to remember His physical death, "And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, 'This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.' Likewise He also tookrepparttar 140726 cup after supper, saying, 'This cup isrepparttar 140727 new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.'" (Luke 22:19,20) Ifrepparttar 140728 sacrifice which Jesus was about to make was spiritual in nature and not physical, why did He give us a memorial that asks us to remember His physical death? The answer is clear,repparttar 140729 sacrifice He was going to make was giving of His physical life not His spiritual life.

And finally, let's considerrepparttar 140730 events which transpired as Jesus hung onrepparttar 140731 cross. As He hung there He said, ". . . Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. . ." (Luke 23:34) Does this sound like someone who is dying spiritually and becoming a demonic being? Not hardly! Rememberrepparttar 140732 thief who took up for Jesus asrepparttar 140733 other began to ridicule Him? Jesus told him, ". . . Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43) This statement from Jesus was significant or it would not be in Scripture. This tells us that Jesus' spirit went to paradise after it left His physical body. (See our monograph "Where Are The Dead.") And finally, as Jesus was just about to die He said, ". . .Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit." (Luke 23:46) Notice that Jesus committed His spirit to His Father, not Satan or hell!

Did Jesus go to hell during those three days in which His physical body lay inrepparttar 140734 tomb? The answer is clearly no when you take into consideration allrepparttar 140735 applicable Scriptures. This teaching is a false teaching by those inrepparttar 140736 Faith movement. I am afraid that there are some dear saints who truly loverepparttar 140737 Lord and strive to live faithfully who have fallen for this lie. His death was a physical death not a spiritual death. He was just a much God as He ever was during those three days His body was inrepparttar 140738 tomb.

All Scriptures quoted are fromrepparttar 140739 New King James Version unless otherwise noted

Stephen Kingery is an author, preacher, teacher and founder of The Home Bible Study Institute.

Visit our site at http://www.james1-22.org

Permission to use is granted if attributed to author and his website.

Are You Serious About Being A Christian?

Written by Stephen Kingery

Continued from page 1

If you have been successful in serving (I mean really serving)repparttar Lord and if you have been successful in seeking (I mean really seeking) God thenrepparttar 140696 next subject is really a foregone conclusion: "Also I heardrepparttar 140697 voice ofrepparttar 140698 Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'" (Isaiah 6:8)

If we truly love God and serve Him and seek Him, we not only want to be able to spreadrepparttar 140699 good news, we look for ways and opportunities to spreadrepparttar 140700 good news. How can one be a Christian and not ever tell others about what He has done for them? In reality, they can't! If they are not telling others what Christ has done for them and meant to them, then they should really begin to questionrepparttar 140701 validity of their conversion.

How can we do this? Share Christ with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Help give themrepparttar 140702 strength to carry on and "fightrepparttar 140703 good fight." Share this and other literature with them, and help them to seerepparttar 140704 need in their lives to be more faithful. Host Bible study groups or discussion groups in your home. Share your love for Christ with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers who are not Christian. Always be aware of opportunities to speak out and support Christian values when you can. Our values are being attacked daily in almost every area of society. It is not difficult to find opportunities to do this. And finally, visitrepparttar 140705 sick and shut-ins to give them a ray of hope and love from a fellow Christian. We who are able-bodied have no way of knowing how much our time, love, and compassion means to these fine people. Let's help them in their final days on earth to know that Christians love them.

I started this print ministry (Be Ye Doers Of The Word) because I see a need for Christians to develop an effective Bible study at home. I hope that these monographs spark a little interest in what God's Word has to say to us that are living today. The truths found inrepparttar 140706 Bible are just as relevant to our Christian walk as they were torepparttar 140707 people living inrepparttar 140708 first century. Can you start your own personal ministry? Of course you can. It doesn't have to be a print ministry such as this. It can really be anything: visitingrepparttar 140709 sick, teaching Sunday School, working with youth groups, singing inrepparttar 140710 choir, etc. Each person striving to serve Christ should (maybe MUST) have a personal ministry and try to reachrepparttar 140711 lost for Christ.

And just as important asrepparttar 140712 preceding three Scriptures is this: ". . . not My will, but Yours, be done." (Luke 22:42b) Jesus told this to His and our Heavenly Father just before He was crucified when He was praying inrepparttar 140713 garden. This isrepparttar 140714 kind of attitude that we must have as Christians. We all have deep concerns in our lives, things that really trouble us. We often pray to God and ask for Him to help us in a particular way. But what we really should be seeking is His will in our lives, not our will in His life.

This is difficult for us to accept. Often we are not sure what God's will is for us. For example, we may really want a different job and may be trying to get it by whatever means is available to us. We pray and ask God to help us securerepparttar 140715 new job -- but that we want His will to be done. Then, how much should we try to get this new job? If we don't try hard enough to getrepparttar 140716 job, and don't, is it because God did not want us to haverepparttar 140717 job, or because we didn't try hard enough to get it? We can only do one thing! Try as hard as we can to getrepparttar 140718 job we want, do what is acceptable to secure it. Then if we actually getrepparttar 140719 job, we can rest assured that it was God's will, and if we don't, we will know that it was God's will as well.

In many instances we can determine what God's will is for us. We can do this by studyingrepparttar 140720 Scriptures and being aware of what they have to say about particular subjects. We know that lying, stealing, murder, adultery, etc. is against God's will. So if we are considering any of these, we don't need to wonder what His will is,repparttar 140721 Bible tells us. There are many other less drastic examples, being faithful to worship services, meeting aroundrepparttar 140722 Lord's Table, giving of our tithes, helping a brother or sister in need, and so forth. These are all spelled out inrepparttar 140723 Bible. Studyingrepparttar 140724 Bible helps us to know these things.

Choose this day whom you will serve! Seek firstrepparttar 140725 kingdom of God and His righteousness! Here am I, send me! Not my will, but Yours be done! This is truly a road-map to good Christian living. May God bless you as you continuerepparttar 140726 journey to Heaven.

All scriptures quoted are fromrepparttar 140727 New King James Version unless otherwise noted.

Stephen Kingery is an author, preacher, teacher and founder of The Home Bible Study Institute.

Visit our site at http://www.james1-22.org

Permission to use is granted if attributed to author and his website.

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